

振动与冲击 ›› 2022, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (19) : 55-63.

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振动与冲击 ›› 2022, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (19) : 55-63.


  • 陈焱,郑近德,潘海洋,童靳于
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Application of CMRDE in bearing fault diagnosis

  • CHEN Yan, ZHENG Jinde, PAN Haiyang, TONG Jinyu
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滚动轴承发生故障时,其振动信号往往表现出非线性和非平稳特征。反向散布熵(Reverse Dispersion Entropy,RDE)能够有效衡量振动信号的复杂性变化和非线性动力学突变行为,但是单一尺度的RDE值并不能完全反映振动信号的复杂性和非线性特征。对此,受多尺度熵启发,同时针对传统多尺度粗粒化方式的不足,提出了复合多尺度反向散布熵(Composite Multi-scale Reverse Dispersion Entropy,CMRDE)。通过仿真信号分析,将CMRDE与多尺度反向散布熵(Multi-scale Reverse Dispersion Entropy,MRDE)和RDE进行了对比,结果表明:CMRDE不仅能反映不同尺度下信号复杂度的差异,且变化更平缓、波动更小。在此基础上,将CMRDE应用于滚动轴承故障特征提取,提出了一种基于CMRDE、集合经验模态分解和布谷鸟搜索算法优化支持向量机的滚动轴承故障诊断方法。将所提方法应用于滚动轴承实验数据分析,并通过与现有方法进行对比,结果表明:相较所对比的方法,所提方法能有效识别轴承故障类型,提取的故障特征误差更小、故障识别率更高。


The vibration signals are often nonlinear and non-stationary when the fault occurs. Reverse dispersion entropy (RDE) can effectively extract nonlinear dynamic fault features from vibration signals. However, the RDE value at a single scale cannot fully reflect the complexity and nonlinear characteristics of vibration signals. Inspired by multi-scale entropy (MSE) and aiming at the problem of coarse-graining in MSE, composite multi-scale reverse dispersion entropy (CMRDE) was proposed. CMRDE is compared with multi-scale reverse dispersion entropy (MRDE) and RDE through simulation signal analysis and the results show that it can reflect the difference of signal complexity at different scales and its varying trend is much smoother and the fluctuation is much smaller. Based on this, CMRDE was applied to the fault feature extraction of rolling bearings and a new rolling bearing fault diagnosis method was proposed based on CMRDE, ensemble empirical mode decomposition and cuckoo search support vector machine. The proposed fault diagnosis method was applied to analyze experimental data of rolling bearing with comparing with the existing methods and the analysis results indicate that the proposed method can effectively identify the fault location of rolling bearing and the errors of extracted fault feature is smaller and the fault recognition rate is higher than the compared methods.
Key words: reverse dispersion entropy; composite multi-scale reverse dispersion entropy; rolling bearing; fault diagnosis


反向散布熵 / 复合多尺度反向散布熵 / 滚动轴承 / 故障诊断

Key words

reverse dispersion entropy / composite multi-scale reverse dispersion entropy / rolling bearing / fault diagnosis


陈焱,郑近德,潘海洋,童靳于. 复合多尺度反向散布熵在轴承故障诊断中的应用[J]. 振动与冲击, 2022, 41(19): 55-63
CHEN Yan, ZHENG Jinde, PAN Haiyang, TONG Jinyu. Application of CMRDE in bearing fault diagnosis[J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2022, 41(19): 55-63


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