

振动与冲击 ›› 2022, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (19) : 90-97.

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振动与冲击 ›› 2022, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (19) : 90-97.


  • 张宇航1,董亮1,宋礼威2
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Sensitivity of vibration measuring point location to cavitation of centrifugal pump

  • ZHANG Yuhang1, DONG Liang1, SONG Liwei2
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Vibration signals are often used to detect cavitation in centrifugal pumps. In order to more accurately capture the development state of cavitation and explore the influence of cavitation on the vibration signals of the centrifugal pump at different positions, a single-stage centrifugal pump was used to study the vibration signals at different cavitation stages. The sensitivity of the vibration signal of each measuring point to cavitation is analyzed by calculating the total vibration level change rate of each measuring point at the incipient cavitation and when the head of the centrifugal pump drops by 3%. The vibration signal is divided into multiple frequency bands through the 1/3 octave spectrum, and the sensitivity of vibration signals in different frequency bands to cavitation is analyzed. The results show that the vibration signals of the casing tongue and the inlet flange Y shows a high sensitivity to the inception cavitation and severe cavitation in the centrifugal pump. These two measuring points are suitable for the study of cavitation in the centrifugal pump. The bearing seat Z measuring point and the inlet flange Z measuring point have the lowest sensitivity to cavitation and is not suitable for the study of cavitation.
Key words: centrifugal pump; cavitation; vibration analysis


离心泵 / 空化 / 振动分析

Key words

centrifugal pump / cavitation / vibration analysis


张宇航1,董亮1,宋礼威2. 振动测点位置对离心泵空化敏感性研究[J]. 振动与冲击, 2022, 41(19): 90-97
ZHANG Yuhang1, DONG Liang1, SONG Liwei2. Sensitivity of vibration measuring point location to cavitation of centrifugal pump[J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2022, 41(19): 90-97


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