

振动与冲击 ›› 2022, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (7) : 23-30.

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振动与冲击 ›› 2022, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (7) : 23-30.


  • 赵伟国1,2,亢艳东1,2,李清华1,2,薛子阳1,2
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Effects of different structures of blade suction surface on cavitation initiation of centrifugal pump

  • ZHAO Weiguo1,2, KANG Yandong1,2, LI Qinghua1,2, XUE Ziyang1,2
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The occurrence of cavitation will affect the stable operation of the centrifugal pump. In order to suppress the occurrence of cavitation, a low specific speed centrifugal pump is used as the research object to carry out a non-constant value simulation. By arranging groove, transverse obstacle and discontinuous obstacle at the leading edge of the suction surface of the centrifugal pump blades, the influence of these three structures on the initial cavitation performance of the centrifugal pump was analyzed. The results show that the arrangement of the three structures has little effect on the head and efficiency of the centrifugal pump. Under the design conditions, after arranging the groove, the head drops by 1.7% and the efficiency increases by 2.4%. After the transverse obstacle and discontinuous obstacle are arranged, the head increases by 2.2% and 1.6%, and the efficiency drops by 2.6% and 2.3% respectively. In the initial stage of cavitation, after the three structures are arranged, it can induce the formation of a relatively high pressure area at the entrance of the impeller, greatly reduce the volume of cavity in the impeller, and inhibit the generation of cavitation. Among them, transverse obstacle has the best effect on suppressing cavitation of the impeller.


离心泵 / 非定常数值模拟 / 凹槽 / 横向障碍物 / 不连续障碍物 / 空化抑制

Key words

centrifugal pump / unsteady numerical simulation / groove / transverse obstacle / discontinuous obstacle / cavitation suppression


赵伟国1,2,亢艳东1,2,李清华1,2,薛子阳1,2. 叶片吸力面不同结构对离心泵空化初生的影响[J]. 振动与冲击, 2022, 41(7): 23-30
ZHAO Weiguo1,2, KANG Yandong1,2, LI Qinghua1,2, XUE Ziyang1,2. Effects of different structures of blade suction surface on cavitation initiation of centrifugal pump[J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2022, 41(7): 23-30


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