

振动与冲击 ›› 2022, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (7) : 268-275.

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振动与冲击 ›› 2022, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (7) : 268-275.


  • 韩旭1,向活跃1,2,罗扣3,李永乐1,2
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Wind tunnel tests of aerodynamic characteristics of vehicle-bridge with 3-main truss section coupled system

  • HAN Xu1, XIANG Huoyue1,2, LUO Kou3, LI Yongle1,2
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文章历史 +




To investigate the aerodynamic characteristics of the vehicle-bridge coupled system for a three-main truss section bridge, a large-span cable-stayed bridge with three-main trusses section was taken as the research object, and a device for measuring aerodynamic force of vehicle-bridge synchronously was used to measure the aerodynamic forces on vehicle and bridge through a section model wind tunnel test. Many factors, such as track location, two trains crossing, wind attack angle, etc., that affect the aerodynamic characteristics of the vehicle-bridge system were studied. The influence of turbulent wind on the aerodynamic characteristics was discussed. The characteristics of aerodynamic admittance of train are discussed. The results show that due to the influence of the shear layers of flow around, the drag coefficient of vehicle on the windward side is greater than that of other lines, and the lift coefficient of train on Line 2 is the largest. When two trains pass each other, The drag and lift coefficient of the vehicle on the leeward side increase with the increase of the intersection distance. Due to the influence of the flow around the truss, the turbulent wind has little influence on the power spectrum of aerodynamic force of the train. The aerodynamic admittance of drag and lift forces increases first and then decreases with the increase of the reduction frequency.


三主桁断面 / 车-桥系统 / 气动特性 / 同步测试装置 / 气动导纳 / 风洞试验

Key words

three-main trusses section / vehicle-bridge system / aerodynamic characteristics / synchronous test device / aerodynamic admittance / wind tunnel test


韩旭1,向活跃1,2,罗扣3,李永乐1,2. 三主桁断面车-桥气动特性的风洞试验研究[J]. 振动与冲击, 2022, 41(7): 268-275
HAN Xu1, XIANG Huoyue1,2, LUO Kou3, LI Yongle1,2. Wind tunnel tests of aerodynamic characteristics of vehicle-bridge with 3-main truss section coupled system[J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2022, 41(7): 268-275


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