

振动与冲击 ›› 2022, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (8) : 217-222.

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振动与冲击 ›› 2022, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (8) : 217-222.


  • 周博文,童晖,张彬,许伟杰
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Development of eight-beam phased array transducer

  • ZHOU Bowen,TONG Hui,ZHANG Bin,XU Weijie
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声学多普勒计程仪( )是一种能为水面或水下载体提供定位和导航信息的重要设备。传统的 通常采用 配置方式,向海底发射沿载体前后左右方向的四个波束,并利用多普勒频移来计算载体的速度。而对于传统相控阵 ,阵元布阵间距通常为二分之一波长,同一方向两波束间夹角为 。本文在传统相控阵 的基础上,提出一种八波束的相控阵 ,在两个互相垂直的方向上,各形成四个波束,即双 配置方式。根据仿真对比分析,确定阵元布阵间距为0.35倍波长,同一方向上四个波束所对应的角度分别是 和 ,这样,在两个互相垂直的方向上,四个与水平面方向夹角较小的波束,可以提供更大的水平分量,更有利于进行多普勒频移的计算;四个与水平面方向夹角较大的波束,有着更大的垂直分量,使得接收的回波信号有较大的信号强度,两种波束优势互补。同时,制作了一个八波束换能器,并进行了水池测试,指向性波束夹角分别为 和 ,与仿真结果较好吻合,对应发送电压响应分别为  和 。


Doppler Velocity Log (DVL) is one of the important devices which can provide positioning and navigation information for surface or underwater vehicle. The traditional DVL usually uses Janus configuration method to launch four beams along the front, rear, left, and right directions of the vehicle to the seabed, and uses Doppler frequency shift to calculate the speed of the carrier. For traditional phased array DVL, the distance between array elements is usually half of the wavelength, and the angle between two beams in the same direction is 60 degrees. Based on the traditional phased array DVL, an eight-beam phased array DVL was proposed, which forms four beams in two mutually perpendicular directions, so is namely double Janus configuration mode. According to the simulation, it was determined that the distance between the array elements is 0.35 of wavelength, and the angles corresponding to the four beams in the same direction are    and   respectively. In this way, in two mutually perpendicular directions, the four beams with a smaller angle with the horizontal plane can provide a larger horizontal component, which is more conducive to the calculation of Doppler shift; the four beams with larger angles to the horizontal plane have larger vertical components, so that the received echo signals have larger signal strength, and the advantages of the two types of beams are complementary. At the same time, an eight-beam transducer was made and tested in a pool. The angles of the directional beams are   and  , which are in good agreement with the simulation results. The corresponding transmitting voltage response is 170.2dB and 170.6dB respectively.


相控阵 / 多普勒计程仪(DVL) / 八波束 / 双Janus配置

Key words

phased array / Doppler Velocity Log / eight beam / dual Janus configuration


周博文,童晖,张彬,许伟杰. 八波束相控阵换能器的研制[J]. 振动与冲击, 2022, 41(8): 217-222
ZHOU Bowen,TONG Hui,ZHANG Bin,XU Weijie. Development of eight-beam phased array transducer[J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2022, 41(8): 217-222


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