

振动与冲击 ›› 2022, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (9) : 66-74.

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振动与冲击 ›› 2022, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (9) : 66-74.


  • 林莉1,2 ,张耀月1,刘志颖1,肖新科3,朱昱1
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Effects of constitutive model with yield stage and fracture criterion on penetration prediction of Q355B steel target plate

  • LIN Li1,2, ZHANG Yaoyue1, LIU Zhiying1, XIAO Xinke3, ZHU Yu1
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为校验考虑屈服阶段的本构模型和Lode相关断裂准则的有效性,在一级轻气炮上开展了直径为5.95 mm的平头钢性弹侵彻4 mm厚Q355B钢靶板试验,获得了弹体贯穿靶板的断裂行为和弹道极限。并开展了平面应变和扭转试验,标定了Lode无关MJC断裂准则和Lode相关ASCE断裂准则参数。在ABAQUS中对打靶试验建立三维有限元模型,对靶板的断裂行为进行研究,验证了考虑屈服阶段MxJ-C-Q本构模型和ASCE断裂准则的有效性,并探讨了Lode参数对Q355B钢的变形和断裂的影响。结果表明,采用MJC断裂准则预报高估了断裂应变其弹道极限比试验值高约38.36%;而采用Lode相关ASCE断裂准则预报的弹道极限、剩余速度以及断裂行为,与试验结果吻合较好。


To verify the effectiveness of the constitutive model considering the yield stage and the Lode angle-dependent fracture criterion, a flat-headed steel projectile with a diameter of 5.95 mm was carried out on a one-stage light gas gun to penetrate the 4 mm thick Q355B steel targets. The fracture behavior and ballistic limit of the projectile penetrating were obtained. Plane strain test and torsion test were conducted. Through numerical simulation calculation, The Lode angle-independent fracture criterion MJC and the Lode angle-dependent ASCE fracture criterion parameter were calibrated, then the correlation between the fracture strain of Q355B steel and the Lode parameter was analyzed. A 3-D numerical simulation were established for the tests in ABAQUS, and verified the effectiveness of the MxJ-CQ constitutive model and ASCE fracture criterion on the deformation and fracture of Q355B steel. The results showed that the prediction use MJC fracture criterion overestimates the fracture strain and ballistic limit is about 38.36% higher than the experimental value. While the ballistic limit and fracture behavior predicted by the ASCE fracture criterion are basically the same as the test results.


考虑屈服阶段本构模型 / Lode参数 / 断裂准则 / 弹道极限 / 数值仿真

Key words

Constitutive model considering the yield stage / Lode parameter / fracture criterion / ballistic limit / numerical simulation


林莉1,2,张耀月1,刘志颖1,肖新科3,朱昱1. 含屈服段本构模型和断裂准则对Q355B钢靶板侵彻预报的影响[J]. 振动与冲击, 2022, 41(9): 66-74
LIN Li1,2, ZHANG Yaoyue1, LIU Zhiying1, XIAO Xinke3, ZHU Yu1. Effects of constitutive model with yield stage and fracture criterion on penetration prediction of Q355B steel target plate[J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2022, 41(9): 66-74


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