

振动与冲击 ›› 2024, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (10) : 174-184.

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振动与冲击 ›› 2024, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (10) : 174-184.


  • 张本熙1,王晓明1,梅玉林2
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Method for establishing the transfer function of acoustic structural units and its application

  • ZHANG Benxi1,WANG Xiaoming1,MEI Yulin2
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The transfer function model of acoustic structural unit is established through the time-domain simulation method of three-dimensional finite element analysis, and is accurately expressed as the function of structural parameters. The transfer function representation can simplify the design process of acoustic structure. First, two acoustic structural units are established, and their amplitude-frequency characteristics are simulated. And meanwhile, the simulated amplitude-frequency characteristics are verified by experimental measurements. Next, based on the amplitude-frequency characteristics, transfer functions of the two structural units are fit by adopting different zero-pole matching schemes. The results show that the fitting accuracy is the highest when matching 7 poles and no zero to fit the transfer function of the expansion chamber unit, and matching 2 poles and 2 zeros to fit the transfer function of the Helmholtz resonator unit. Then, the influence of the structural parameters of the acoustic unit on the amplitude-frequency characteristics is analyzed. Subsequently, based on the high accuracy form of the fitting function, the transfer function model of the acoustic structural unit is established by numerical simulation and fitting calculation. Finally, a composite acoustic structure composed of an expansion chamber and a Helmholtz resonator is constructed, and its transfer function is calculated based on the transfer function models of the units. The results of COMSOL and transfer function model are compared to verify the established unit transfer function models.


时域 / 声学结构 / 膨胀腔 / 亥姆霍兹共振腔 / 传递函数

Key words

time domain / acoustic structure / expansion chamber / Helmholtz resonator / transfer function


张本熙1,王晓明1,梅玉林2. 声学结构单元传递函数的建立方法及应用[J]. 振动与冲击, 2024, 43(10): 174-184
ZHANG Benxi1,WANG Xiaoming1,MEI Yulin2. Method for establishing the transfer function of acoustic structural units and its application[J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2024, 43(10): 174-184


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