为研究弹性吊索的服役状态与疲劳寿命,对高铁接触网出现的弹性吊索断线现象进行调研并开展疲劳研究。基于武广高铁的线路设计参数构建了弓网动态仿真模型,对300km/h速度下的弹性吊索振动状态进行分析。由于受电弓运行通过时对接触悬挂的抬升作用,弹性吊索主要沿竖直方向振动,并在线夹位置不断承受交变弯曲载荷。在UG中建立了弹性吊索绞线(1×7)及其线夹的实体模型并将其导入到LS-DYNA中进行了应力载荷计算;其应力集中位置位于弹性吊索与其线夹连接处。将应力历程数据导入到ANSYS nCode DesignLife中分析弹性吊索在指定载荷下的疲劳寿命。最后,根据Miner累积损伤原则计算了300km/h运行速度下武广高铁弹性吊索的疲劳寿命为4.58×106弓架次;当运行速度增加至350km/h时,疲劳寿命为1.17×106弓架次;当运行速度增加至400km/h时,疲劳寿命为4.80×105弓架次。
To study the service status and fatigue life of stitch wire, research was conducted on the stitch wire breaking in high-speed railway contact networks, and fatigue research was conducted. Based on the design parameters of the Wuhan-Guangzhou high speed railway, a dynamic simulation model of the pantograph and catenary was constructed to analyze the vibration state of the stitch wire at speed of 300km/h. Due to the lifting effect of the pantograph on the contact suspension during operation, the stitch wire mainly vibrates in the vertical direction and continuously bears alternating bending loads at the clamp position. Stitch wire were established in UG and the solid model was imported into LS-DYNA, and the refined model was subjected to stress load calculation; the stress concentration position of the stitch wire is located at the connection with clamp. Import stress history data into ANSYS nCode DesignLife to analyze the fatigue life of stitch wire under bending loads; finally, based on the Miner cumulative damage principle, the fatigue life of the stitch wire of the Wuhan-Guangzhou high speed railway at speed of 300km/h was calculated to be 4.58×106; the operating speed increases to 350km/h, and the fatigue life is 1.17×106; speed increased to 400km/h, fatigue life is 4.80×105.
高速铁路 /
接触网 /
弹性吊索 /
应力载荷 /
{{custom_keyword}} /
Key words
high-speed railway /
catenary /
stitch wire /
stress load /
fatigue simulation
{{custom_keyword}} /
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