

振动与冲击 ›› 2024, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (13) : 210-216.

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振动与冲击 ›› 2024, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (13) : 210-216.


  • 孙林平1,杨忠良1,2,马卫华1,罗世辉1,王波1
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Simulation analysis of MT-2 buffer capacity requirements based on shunting conditions

  • SUN Linping1, YANG Zhongliang1,2, MA Weihua1, LUO Shihui1, WANG Bo1
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为了分析MT-2缓冲器在调车连挂作业时的容量需求问题,基于摩擦式缓冲器非线性力学特性及车辆调车冲击受力特点,建立了铁道货车纵向冲击动力学模型,对调车过程中不同车辆质量、不同速度、不同编组方式及不同车体刚度等工况下MT-2缓冲器容量需求进行了分析。研究结果表明:缓冲器做功与车辆质量和连挂速度的平方成正比,冲击车和被冲击车数量都大于2辆时冲击面缓冲器的容量需求将与车辆数量无关。对同时考虑质量、速度、编组方式、车体刚度的缓冲器容量需求值进行了函数拟合,完成了比例系数 、 和 的求解;不同车辆数量之间冲击时,不同车钩号的缓冲器做功值大小不一,在冲击面车钩号的缓冲器做功值均为最大,沿着冲击面前、后的车钩号逐渐递减,调车冲击时计算容量需求值时应不考虑车体刚度,以重车冲击重车模式时冲击面的缓冲器容量需求为准。


In order to analyze the capacity requirement of MT-2 draft gear during shunting operation, the longitudinal impact dynamic model of railway freight car is established based on the nonlinear mechanical characteristics of friction buffer and the characteristics of vehicle shunting impact force. And the capacity demand of MT-2 draft gear under different vehicle mass, different speed , different grouping methods and different body stiffness during shunting operation is analyzed. The results show that the work value of the draft gear is proportional to the vehicle mass and the square of the speed. When the number of the impact vehicle and the number of the impacted vehicle are both greater than 2, the capacity demand of the buffer on the impact surface will be independent of the number of vehicles. The demand value of draft gear capacity considering mass, speed, grouping and body stiffness is fitted by function, and the proportional coefficient , and is solved. n the impact between different number of vehicles, the buffer work value of different couplers is different. The buffer work value of the coupler number on the impact surface is the largest, and gradually decreases along the coupler number before and after the impact. The stiffness of the car body should not be considered when calculating the capacity demand value during the impact of shifting, and the buffer capacity demand of the impact surface should be taken as the standard when the heavy car impacts the heavy car mode.


调车冲击 / MT-2缓冲器 / 车钩力 / 容量需求 / 做功值

Key words

Shunting impact / MT-2 draft gear / Coupling force / Capacity requirements / Heavy duty truck


孙林平1,杨忠良1,2,马卫华1,罗世辉1,王波1. 基于调车工况的MT-2缓冲器容量需求仿真分析[J]. 振动与冲击, 2024, 43(13): 210-216
SUN Linping1, YANG Zhongliang1,2, MA Weihua1, LUO Shihui1, WANG Bo1. Simulation analysis of MT-2 buffer capacity requirements based on shunting conditions[J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2024, 43(13): 210-216


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