

振动与冲击 ›› 2024, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (7) : 134-143.

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振动与冲击 ›› 2024, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (7) : 134-143.


  • 陈挺地1,王胜斌2,冯克岩3,李建中1
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Numerical simulation and seismic response characteristics of prefabricated assembled concrete filled steel tube columns with different connection constructions

  • CHEN Tingdi1, WANG Shengbin2, FENG Keyan3, LI Jianzhong1
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无粘结预应力节段拼装钢管混凝土桥墩主要包括承插连接与混合连接两种承台连接方式。为比较两种不同连接构造下桥墩的地震响应特点,本文采用OpenSees软件分别建立了桥墩有限元模型,其中,承插连接钢管混凝土桥墩模型能够考虑插入承台部分钢管与周围混凝土的粘结滑移、钢管局部屈曲以及屈曲后撕裂等过程,而混合连接钢管混凝土桥墩模型能够再现出接缝的摇摆行为;并通过与相关拟静力试验数据结果进行对比,验证了两种数值模型的有效性;随后,以一座4跨连续梁桥为背景,分别研究了采用混合连接、无预应力承插连接和预应力承插连接桥墩桥梁结构在地震作用时的响应特点。结果表明:两种承插连接桥墩的墩底钢管在地震动峰值加速度(PGA)约0.4g时发生屈曲,并伴随水平刚度下降和残余位移增大,且配置无粘结预应力的承插连接桥墩钢管屈曲引起的损伤程度更大,随着地震动输入进一步增大,预应力为桥墩提供的自复位能力逐步增加,在PGA = 0.6g时,预应力承插连接桥墩的残余位移仅为无预应力桥墩的62%。此外,配置混合连接桥墩的桥梁在地震作用下损伤较小,残余漂移比小于0.2%,比承插连接桥墩更优的自复位能力。


The presented paper investigates the seismic performance of prefabricated concrete filled steel tube (CFT) columns with two typical column-footing connections: socket connection (SC) and hybrid connection (HC). Finite element models for both SC and HC columns were established in OpenSees software. The SC model is able to simulate the bond-slip between the embedded steel tube and its surrounding concrete, the local buckling and the tearing; while the HC model can simulate the rocking behavior at the column-footing interface. The effectiveness of both models was validated through previous experimental data. Then analyses were conducted to investigate the dynamic performance of a 4-span continuous bridge with the single-column piers with the HC, SC and post-tensioned SC connections, respectively. The results show that both the SC and post-tensioned SC columns experience steel tube buckling when peak ground acceleration (PGA) reaches about 0.4g, resulting in a reduction in the horizontal stiffness and an increase in the residual displacement. Moreover, the damage caused by steel tube buckling in the post-tensioned SC columns is more severe, and with the further increase of PGA, the self-centering capacity provided by the post-tensioning gradually becomes evident. When the PGA reaches 0.6g, the residual drift of post-tensioned SC column is only 62% of that in the SC column. The HC column sustains less damage under strong earthquake excitations, with the residual drift less than 0.2%. Thus, it has better self-centering capacity than both the SC connection columns.


桥梁工程 / 钢管混凝土桥墩 / 承插连接 / 混合连接 / 有限元模型 / 地震响应

Key words

bridge engineering / concrete filled steel tube column / socket connection / hybrid connection / finite element model / seismic behavior.


陈挺地1,王胜斌2,冯克岩3,李建中1. 不同连接构造的预制拼装钢管混凝土桥墩数值模拟与地震响应特点[J]. 振动与冲击, 2024, 43(7): 134-143
CHEN Tingdi1, WANG Shengbin2, FENG Keyan3, LI Jianzhong1. Numerical simulation and seismic response characteristics of prefabricated assembled concrete filled steel tube columns with different connection constructions[J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2024, 43(7): 134-143


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