Two-element Inerter-spring-damper series-parallel structures are the basic units comprising passive mechanical networks. According to the discussions about vibration response characteristics and system parameter’s influence in single quality system, vibration isolation mechanism of two-element ISD structures is researched. Ideal matching relationship of two-element series-parallel structures and general method of suspension structure design are presented. Following the method, vehicle passive ISD suspension structure is designed, and quarter-car suspension model is built also. Multi-objective genetic algorithm is used to optimize the passive mechanical elements’ parameters. By reference to the corresponding standards, with the index of weighted body acceleration, suspension working space and dynamic tyre loads’ root-mean-square values, the working performance of designed passive ISD suspension is compared. Simulation results indicate that, compared with conventional passive suspension, on the precondition of same suspension working space RMS, designed vehicle passive ISD suspension’s weighted body acceleration RMS and dynamic tyre loads RMS can be improved at the same time. In the low frequency band, each index power spectral density peak values have been decreased at body sympathetic vibration offset frequency. The research shows that designed vehicle suspension can effectively improve ride comfort and safety.
CHEN Long;YANG Xiaofeng;WANG Ruochen;HUANG Chen;SHEN Yujie.
Analysis on Design and Performance of Vehicle Passive Suspension Based on Two-element Inerter-spring-damper Structure Vibration Isolation Mechanism[J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2013, 32(6): 90-95