
刘 卫;孙晓霞;沈瑞琪;叶迎华

振动与冲击 ›› 2014, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (20) : 183-186.

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振动与冲击 ›› 2014, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (20) : 183-186.


  • 刘 卫1,孙晓霞1,2,沈瑞琪1,叶迎华1
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Dispersion analysis under Hopkinson high-g loading experiment

  • LIU Wei 1,SUN Xiao-xia 1,2,SHEN Rui-qi 1,YE Ying-hua 1
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为准确获取霍普金森压杆高过载实验中试件加速度,用快速傅里叶弥散分析方法对入射波传播过程进行弥散修正,比较沿压杆轴向不同位置处加速度状态,分析弥散修正前后不同脉冲加载时试件加速度峰值及脉冲偏差。结果表明,弥散效应可导致压杆不同位置处加速度状态存在差异,火工品试件所受过载加速度峰值偏差在10%以上;脉冲宽度偏差因波形而异,绝对偏差均小于6 μs;对含高频成分的弥散波,欲精确获得试件过载加速度需进行弥散修正。


The dispersion effect in the Hopkinson pressure bar high-g loading technique was caused by the lateral inertia motion of the particle, leading to an inaccurate acceleration in peak and duration. Based on the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) approach, the dispersion effect was corrected. Then, acceleration pulses at different locations along the pressure bar were compared to check the dispersion effect. In addition, before and after dispersion correction, the acceleration pulses on the specimen were obtained under different pulse loading, and the errors of the peak and duration were analyzed. Results show that the acceleration pulses at different locations of the bar are different in peak and duration due to the dispersion effect, and the errors of the peak acceleration on the initiator are more than 10%. The errors of the acceleration duration depend on the pulse shape, but the absolute errors are all less than 6μs. As for the dispersive pulse, dispersion correction is a necessary procedure to obtain a more accurate acceleration pulse.


冲击动力学 / 高过载 / 霍普金森压杆 / 弥散

Key words

dynamic impact / high-g loading / Hopkinson pressure bar / dispersion


刘 卫;孙晓霞;沈瑞琪;叶迎华. 霍普金森压杆过载实验弥散分析[J]. 振动与冲击, 2014, 33(20): 183-186
LIU Wei;SUN Xiao-xia;SHEN Rui-qi;YE Ying-hua . Dispersion analysis under Hopkinson high-g loading experiment[J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2014, 33(20): 183-186

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