钢储罐常用于液化天然气、石油等易燃易爆物的储存,一旦起火爆炸,短时间内将产生极大的爆炸冲击波,造成储罐严重破坏并带来灾难性后果。爆炸冲击荷载的合理确定是钢储罐爆炸破坏分析与安全设计的重要基础。本文利用计算流体动力学FLUENT软件,基于 湍流模型和EDC燃烧模型,建立了能够模拟储罐内部爆炸流场变化情况的CFD模型,获得了特定位置处的超压时程,与TNT当量模型相比其模拟结果更接近罐内可燃气体爆炸的实际情况。本文进一步考察了储罐高径比、可燃气体浓度与种类以及初始压力等因素对爆炸冲击荷载的影响。研究表明:储罐高径比越大、罐内初始压力越大、可燃气体活性越高、越接近化学计量比浓度时,气体燃烧反应速度越快,爆炸冲击荷载越大。
Steel tanks are widely used for the storage of liquefied natural gas, petroleum and other flammable explosive substance. The detonation of these explosives generates high intensity shock wave within a short time, which will cause serious damage to storage tanks and bring catastrophic results. A rational evaluation of the explosion loading is the foundation for structure failure analysis and safety designing of tanks. CFD model is built up based on turbulence model and EDC combustion model by the use of computational fluid dynamics software Fluent, which can simulate the changes of explosion flow field in tanks and obtain the overpressure time history of typical position unites. Compared with TNT equivalent method, the result of CFD model is closer to the actual situation of flammable gas explosion in tanks. Furthermore, influences of height-to-diameter ratio, concentration and species of flammable gas and initial pressure are taking into account. It is shown that, the gas reaction rate and explosion loading enhance along with the increase of height-to-diameter ratio, initial pressure and activity of flammable gas. Moreover, a stoichiometric concentration also will cause a higher explosion pressure and gas reaction rate.
钢储罐 /
可燃气体 /
爆炸冲击荷载 /
超压 /
{{custom_keyword}} /
Key words
steel tanks /
flammable gas /
explosion loading /
overpressure /
{{custom_keyword}} /
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