

振动与冲击 ›› 2020, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (7) : 108-115.

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振动与冲击 ›› 2020, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (7) : 108-115.


  • 张孔亮,肖正明,张圆东,郭治町
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Dynamic simulation and experimental study of gearbox based on rigid-flexible coupling modeling

  • ZHANG Kongliang, XIAO Zhengming, ZHANG Yuandong, GUO Zhiting
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运用 LMS Virtual.Lab建立了齿轮传动系统多刚体模型,通过仿真计算获得了齿轮副的时变啮合刚度,并与运用有限元法仿真计算得到的齿轮副时变啮合刚度进行了对比。考虑齿轮箱体柔性化,通过对刚柔耦合模型进行动力学仿真分析,在获取箱体Craig-Bampton模态的基础上,建立了箱体-轴承-齿轮耦合动力学模型。计算获取了齿轮副动态啮合力、齿轮箱体表面振动响应云图以及关键点的振动加速度、速度和位移,并开展了台架试验和验证分析。结果表明,运用刚柔耦合法仿真得到的齿轮啮合力以及齿轮箱体动态响应,其能量主要集中在齿轮啮合频率及其倍频处,运用刚柔耦合法仿真结果与实验结果在振动加速度以及振动位移方面有良好的一致性,验证了齿轮系统刚柔耦合模型的正确性。


The multi-rigid-body model of gear transmission system was established by using LMS Virtual.Lab, and the time-varying meshing stiffness of the gear pair was obtained by simulation calculation, and compared with the time-varying meshing stiffness of the gear pair calculated by finite element method. Considering the flexibility of the gear box, through the dynamic simulation analysis of the rigid-flexible coupling model, on the basis of obtaining the Craig-Bampton mode of the box, the box-bearing-gear coupling dynamic model was established. The dynamic meshing force of the gear pair, the surface vibration response cloud diagram of the gear box and the vibration acceleration, velocity and displacement of the key points were calculated, and the bench test and verification analysis were carried out.The gear meshing force and the dynamic response of the gear box were simulated by the rigid-flexible coupling method.It was shown by the result that The energy mainly concentrate in the gear meshing frequency and its frequency doubling. The simulation results of the rigid-flexible coupling method are in good agreement with the experimental results in terms of vibration acceleration and vibration displacement, which verifies the correctness of the rigid-flexible coupling model of the gear system.


刚柔耦合 / 有限元法 / 动态响应 / 啮合刚度

Key words

Rigid-flexible coupling / Finite element method / Dynamic Response / Meshing stiffness


张孔亮,肖正明,张圆东,郭治町. 基于刚柔耦合建模的齿轮箱动力学仿真与实验研究[J]. 振动与冲击, 2020, 39(7): 108-115
ZHANG Kongliang, XIAO Zhengming, ZHANG Yuandong, GUO Zhiting. Dynamic simulation and experimental study of gearbox based on rigid-flexible coupling modeling[J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2020, 39(7): 108-115


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