In order to improve the calibration accuracy of the second-order coefficient in the static error model coefficient of the floated gyroscope, the whole vibration period method of the linear shaking table was proposed to calibrate the floated gyroscope. On the basis of fully considering the parasitic rotation and verticality error of the linear shaking table, the angular vibration produced during the test and the installation error of the gyroscope, a calibration scheme of the six-position method was designed to calibrate the second-order coefficient of the gyroscope. This method suppresses the influence of the parasitic rotation of the linear shaking table, the small angular vibration produced during the test and the installation error of the gyroscope on the calibration accuracy, and can improve the measurement accuracy of the floated gyroscope on the on-line shaking table. Finally, the corresponding error analysis was carried out, and it is verified that the method can accurately calibrate the second-order error model coefficient of the gyroscope, and the calibration accuracy can reach the order of 10-4(°/h/g2).
液浮陀螺仪 /
线振动台 /
二次项误差系数 /
{{custom_keyword}} /
Key words
floated gyroscope /
linear shaking table /
second-order error coefficient /
{{custom_keyword}} /
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