

振动与冲击 ›› 2023, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (1) : 160-168.

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振动与冲击 ›› 2023, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (1) : 160-168.


  • 邸同宇1,2,吴文兵1,2,张云鹏1,2,刘浩1,2
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Analytical solution to low strain testing of large diameter cast-in-situ concrete pipe pile in saturated soil considering reflected wave oscillation

  • DI Tongyu1, 2,WU Wenbing1, 2, ZHANG Yunpeng1,2, LIU Hao1,2
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Compared with the traditional solid pile, the large-diameter cast-in-place concrete pipe pile has larger bearing capacity and dynamic stiffness under the premise of the same concrete consumption, despite that its low strain detection theory still lags behind the engineering application. Specifically, the influence of the soil plug effect and the wave oscillation after the arrival of reflected signal are still vague. As a result of that, it is necessary to establish a rigorous surrounding soil-pipe pile-soil plug model for low strain integrity signal interpretation. In this paper, the Biot continuum equations are used to simulate the interaction between soil skeleton and pore fluid of the saturated soil. From the perspective of strain energy, the Rayleigh Love rod model is modified to suit for pipe piles. Through Fourier transform, decoupling partial differential equation by utilizing potential functions, and variable separation method, the radial and longitudinal displacement of the pile-soil system is solved. The time-domain response at the pile head under half sinusoidal pulse is obtained by Inverse Fourier Transformation. Through comparing with the previous solution, the validity of the solution is verified. The main conclusions of this paper are: with the increase of Poisson's ratio of the pipe pile, the amplitude of the reflected signal at the pile tip becomes smaller, and the oscillation of the wave is more obvious. The thicker the pipe pile wall is, the larger the reflected signal amplitudes are. The oscillation effect of reflected wave signal becomes smaller as the decrease of the pile-soil modulus ratio.


管桩 / 横波干扰 / 饱和土 / 低应变测试 / 纵向振动 / 时域响应

Key words

pipe pile / transverse wave effect / saturated soil / low strain test / longitudinal vibration / response in time domain


邸同宇1,2,吴文兵1,2,张云鹏1,2,刘浩1,2. 考虑反射波震荡的饱和土中大直径现浇混凝土管桩低应变测试解析解[J]. 振动与冲击, 2023, 42(1): 160-168
DI Tongyu1, 2,WU Wenbing1, 2, ZHANG Yunpeng1,2, LIU Hao1,2. Analytical solution to low strain testing of large diameter cast-in-situ concrete pipe pile in saturated soil considering reflected wave oscillation[J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2023, 42(1): 160-168


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