

振动与冲击 ›› 2023, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (1) : 249-258.

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振动与冲击 ›› 2023, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (1) : 249-258.


  • 程洪杰,何星磊,刘志浩,高蕾,杨健福
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Anti-lock braking control of heavy multi-axle special vehicle based on LADRC

  • CHENG Hongjie, HE Xinglei, LIU Zhihao, GAO Lei, YANG Jianfu
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针对重型多轴特种车辆车身长、惯性大、轴数多、用途特殊以及运输环境复杂多变等特点,制动过程中防抱死制动系统(Anti-lock Braking System,ABS)存在滑移率非线性、时变性和参数不确定性等问题,开展了基于线性自抗扰控制(Linear Active Disturbance Rejection Control,LADRC)的重型多轴特种车辆防抱死制动控制优化研究。首先,利用Matlab/Simulink建立了集成单轮动力学模型、滑移率模型、轮胎模型和制动器模型等被控制动系统模型,并设计了一种基于滑移率的ABS二阶LADRC控制器模型, 在高附着系数路面以初速度为30 km/h进行了ABS仿真与实验验证,通过模糊PID控制和LADRC控制的ABS制动效果对比分析,验证了LADRC控制具有更佳的制动效果;然后,以某重型五轴特种车辆为例,利用Trucksim搭建了集成车身、轮胎、悬架、转向、动力传动和制动等重型多轴特种车辆整车动力学系统模型;最后,某重型五轴特种车辆在高、中、低附着系数路面,以初速度60 km/h进行了的ABS联合仿真,验证了LADRC控制在ABS应用上的可行性和优越性。


In view of the characteristics of long body length, large inertia, multiple axles, special purpose and complex transportation environment of heavy-duty multi-axle special vehicles, the Anti-lock Braking System (ABS) has a slip rate during braking. Non-linearity, time-varying and parameter uncertainty, and other issues, based on the Linear Active Disturbance Rejection Control (LADRC) heavy-duty multi-axle special vehicle anti-lock braking control optimization research has been carried out. First of all, using Matlab/Simulink to establish the integrated single-wheel dynamic model, slip rate model, tire model and brake model and other controlled dynamic system models, and design a slip rate-based ABS second-order LADRC controller model, ABS simulation and experimental verification were carried out on the road with high adhesion coefficient at an initial speed of 30 km/h. The comparative analysis of ABS braking effect of fuzzy PID control and LADRC control verified that LADRC control has a better braking effect; then, Taking a heavy-duty five-axle special vehicle as an example, Trucksim is used to build a complete vehicle dynamics system model for a heavy-duty multi-axle special vehicle such as integrated body, tires, suspension, steering, power transmission and braking; Finally, a heavy-duty five-axle special vehicle conducted ABS co-simulation at an initial speed of 60 km/h on high, medium, and low adhesion coefficient roads, which verified the feasibility and superiority of LADRC control in ABS applications.


重型多轴特种车辆 / Trucksim/Matlab联合仿真 / 滑移率 / 线性自抗扰控制 / ABS

Key words

Heavy multi-axle special vehicles / Trucksim/Matlab co-simulation / Slip rate / Linear Active Disturbance Rejection Control / ABS


程洪杰,何星磊,刘志浩,高蕾,杨健福. 基于线性自抗扰控制的重型多轴特种车辆防抱死制动控制研究[J]. 振动与冲击, 2023, 42(1): 249-258
CHENG Hongjie, HE Xinglei, LIU Zhihao, GAO Lei, YANG Jianfu. Anti-lock braking control of heavy multi-axle special vehicle based on LADRC[J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2023, 42(1): 249-258


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