As one of the most widely used supporting structures for offshore wind turbines, monopile foundation mainly focuses on bearing capacity, initial dynamic impedance and accumulative deformation. However, the offshore wind turbine is very sensitive to the dynamic loads such as wind, wave, current, seismic wave and its operation load in the marine environment. Therefore, in the process of long-term cyclic load, the law of its vibration characteristics must be fully studied. Through the indoor 1g model test of monopile in dry sand, taking the bearing capacity of model pile as reference value, applying cyclic load of the same frequency and different amplitude, and analyzing the frequency response during the loading process, the frequency response function of horizontal displacement of pile top is obtained, and then the following conclusions are drawn: (1) the resonance frequency of pile increases with the number of cycles; (2) the damping ratio decreases with the times of cyclic loading; (3) the stiffness of pile top is affected by many factors, such as the compaction of cyclic load and the formation of vibration pit; the secant stiffness decreases and the unloading stiffness increases.
Key words: Offshore wind turbine; monopile; indoor 1g test; long-term cyclic loading; frequency response analysis; resonance frequency; damping ratio; horizontal stiffness of pile top
海上风机 /
大直径单桩 /
室内模型试验 /
长期循环荷载 /
频响分析 /
共振频率 /
阻尼比 /
{{custom_keyword}} /
Key words
Offshore wind turbine /
monopile /
indoor 1g test /
long-term cyclic loading /
frequency response analysis /
resonance frequency /
damping ratio /
horizontal stiffness of pile top
{{custom_keyword}} /
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