With the increase of the motor speed, the working frequency of the motor increases continuously and it is easy to bring high-frequency resonance with the stator, leading to severe vibration and noise. Two kinds of connective methods affecting dynamic characteristics of the stator lamination core are researched. The lamination theory is used for the dynamic modeling of the bonded stator, and the semi-finite element method is used to simplify the modeling of the welded stator. Natural frequencies of stators with different connecting methods are studied, which are verified by experimental mode analysis. Finally, the optimization design of the welded stator is proposed to reduce the vibration at its work condition. The results show that the consolidation method directly affects the stiffness of the stator and has a huge impact on its dynamic characteristics. The results of the two modeling methods proposed in this paper are accurate and have guiding significance in the initial stage of motor design.
Key words: stator lamination core; vibration and noise; connective method; influence law
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Key words
stator lamination core /
vibration and noise /
connective method /
influence law
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