

振动与冲击 ›› 2023, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (1) : 326-334.

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振动与冲击 ›› 2023, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (1) : 326-334.


  • 黄毅,王伟江,秦望,龙书成,付玉乐
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Numerical simulation analysis and optimization of aerodynamic noise of roof duct of car rear air conditioner

  • HUANG Yi, WANG Weijiang, QIN Wang, LONG Shucheng, FU Yule
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先通过半消声室噪声测试和主观评价确认了某大型SUV车型后空调高档运行时顶棚风管主要噪声问题表现为200~450Hz频带的低频轰轰声,然后基于大涡模拟(LES)和声类比FW-H方程相结合的方法对包含乘员舱的顶棚风管CFD模型进行流场和声场数值仿真计算,并分析了顶棚风管内导流片处涡流压力脉动和声模态引起该低频带噪声的机理,最后在不影响出风口风量分配比例的基础上进行导流片的结构优化,优化方案计算结果表明导流片附近的涡流强度和监测点200~450Hz频带的压力脉动显著降低,该频带的总声压级降低4.8 dB(A),三处峰值平均降低5.5dB(A)。


It is confirmed that the main noise problem of the ceiling duct of a large SUV with rear air conditioning in high-end operation is the low-frequency booming sound in the frequency band of 200 ~ 450Hz through the noise test and subjective evaluation in the semi anechoic chamber first. Then, the CFD model of the ceiling duct including the passenger compartment is numerically simulated based on the large eddy simulation (LES) and acoustic analogy FW-H equation, and the mechanism of vortex pressure pulsation and acoustic mode near by the deflectors in the ceiling duct to the low-frequency band noise is analyzed. Finally, the structure of the the deflectors is optimized on the basis of not affecting the air distribution ratio of the air outlets. The calculation results show that the vortex intensity and the pressure pulsation of observation points near by the deflectors in 250 ~ 450Hz frequency band are significantly reduced, the total sound pressure level of this band is reduced by 4.8 dB (A), and the average value of three peak magnitudes is reduced by 5.5 dB (A).


顶棚风管 / 气动噪声 / 涡流 / 压力脉动

Key words

Ceiling duct / aerodynamic noise / vortex shedding / pressure pulsation


黄毅,王伟江,秦望,龙书成,付玉乐. 汽车后空调顶棚风管气动噪声数值仿真分析及优化[J]. 振动与冲击, 2023, 42(1): 326-334
HUANG Yi, WANG Weijiang, QIN Wang, LONG Shucheng, FU Yule. Numerical simulation analysis and optimization of aerodynamic noise of roof duct of car rear air conditioner[J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2023, 42(1): 326-334


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