To the earthquake damage characteristics of two-story and three-span underground subway station structure, this paper adopts cement-rubber-sand mixtures as the backfill seismic isolation layer around the underground subway station, and establishes two-dimensional finite element models of soil-isolation layer-underground structure static & dynamic coupling nonlinear dynamic interaction, and analyzes the influence of different foundation isolation cases on the relative inter-story displacement, acceleration response, post-earthquake residual deformation and earthquake damage of the underground subway station structure. The results show that the setting of cement-rubber-sand seismic isolation layer around the underground station structure can effectively reduce the lateral seismic deformation of the underground station structure, especially when the seismic isolation material is used to backfill all around the underground structure. From the economic point of view and the convenience of construction, it is recommended that the foundation isolation layer should be infilled only on both sides of the underground subway station structure.
地铁地下结构 /
水泥橡胶砂 /
地基隔震层 /
{{custom_keyword}} /
Key words
Underground subway station /
cement-rubber-sand mixture /
foundation isolation layer /
seismic performance
{{custom_keyword}} /
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