

振动与冲击 ›› 2023, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (23) : 41-48.

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振动与冲击 ›› 2023, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (23) : 41-48.


  • 周家有1,2,赵延杰3,4,张伦平3,4,张一弛1,2,袁昱超1,2,唐文勇1,2
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Analytical method for predicting deck structure damage in scenarios of ship side impacted by wedge shaped bow

  • ZHOU Jiayou1,2,ZHAO Yanjie3,4,ZHANG Lunping3,4,ZHANG Yichi1,2,YUAN Yuchao1,2,TANG Wenyong1,2
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Ship collision accidents are considered to be one of the most severe potential hazards for the safe navigation. Developing rapid prediction methods for ship collision analysis is of great significance for the crashworthiness design and optimization. This paper studies the deformation mechanisms of the deck structure of a single-hulled vessel under the large indentation and oblique collision scenarios by a raked bow. According to the observed structural deformation modes, the deck structure is divided into four types of members. Simplified theoretical models are established for the corresponding deformation modes of these members. The analytical formulae of structural resistance are further derived based on the upper bound theorem. The method considers the evolution of two types of deformation modes and the coupling effects of different component during the collision process. Through the comparisons of several collision scenarios for verification, it is found that the results from the newly developed analytical method agree well with the numerical results. The research outcomes could highly benefit the engineering application for the damage assessment of deck structures under head-on and oblique collision scenarios with large impact indentation.


船舶斜撞 / 楔形艏 / 耦合效应 / 解析计算 / 数值仿真

Key words

oblique ship collision / raked bow / coupling effect / analytical method / numerical simulation


周家有1,2,赵延杰3,4,张伦平3,4,张一弛1,2,袁昱超1,2,唐文勇1,2. 楔形船艏舷侧撞击场景下甲板结构损伤预报解析方法研究[J]. 振动与冲击, 2023, 42(23): 41-48
ZHOU Jiayou1,2,ZHAO Yanjie3,4,ZHANG Lunping3,4,ZHANG Yichi1,2,YUAN Yuchao1,2,TANG Wenyong1,2. Analytical method for predicting deck structure damage in scenarios of ship side impacted by wedge shaped bow[J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2023, 42(23): 41-48


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