

振动与冲击 ›› 2023, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (4) : 95-105.

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振动与冲击 ›› 2023, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (4) : 95-105.


  • 江辉1,2,宋光松1,2,刘展铄3,郭辉4,5,卢文良1,周勇政6,曾聪1
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Seismic reduction technology of a long-span railway steel truss arch bridge under near-fault earthquakes

  • JIANG Hui1,2,SONG Guangsong1,2,LIU Zhanshuo3,GUO Hui4,5,LU Wenliang1,ZHOU Yongzheng6,ZENG Cong1
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以我国某主跨400 m的铁路钢桁架拱桥为工程背景,采用低频速度脉冲叠加高频记录底波的方法合成近断层脉冲型地震动开展动力时程分析,研究了大跨度铁路钢桁架拱桥的响应特性及纵、横桥向减震技术。结果表明,近场脉冲型强震作用下,各构件的响应较未考虑脉冲效应时明显增大,交界墩墩底及横梁、引桥墩墩底等截面破坏严重,支座破坏严重,梁台存在碰撞风险。全桥布置摩擦摆支座可降低主拱应力,但无法有效控制桥墩弯矩响应,且会放大梁端位移;“摩擦摆支座+黏滞阻尼器”的纵桥向减震方案可使主拱应力、交界墩底弯矩、梁端位移分别下降28.53%,63.23%,22.52%,减震效果明显;横桥向增设防屈曲支撑可大幅减小桥墩横梁地震响应,交界墩下、中横梁弯矩降幅分别达58.89%,62.48%。采用上述组合减震措施可提升桥梁的整体抗震性能,满足抗震设防要求,可供同类型桥梁的减震设计参考。


A railway steel truss arch bridge with 400 m span in China was selected as engineering background.The method of low-frequency velocity pulse superimposed high-frequency original records was used to compound near-fault pulse ground motions.The dynamic time-history analysis was carried out and the response characteristics of the bridge and the transverse, longitudinal reduction technology were studied.Results show that, compared with earthquakes without pulse, the response of components increased obviously under near-fault pulse earthquakes.The sections of junction piers’ bottom, crossbeam, and approach piers’ bottom were damaged seriously.The bearings were also damaged seriously.Moreover, the beam and abutment were collided at some probability.The stress of the arch can be reduced by arranging the friction pendulum bearings in the whole bridge; however, the moment of piers cannot be controlled effectively, and the displacement of the beam end will be released.With the longitudinal seismic reduction scheme of “friction pendulum bearing + viscous damper”, the stress of the arch, the bending moment at the junction piers’ bottom and the displacement of the beam end can be decreased by 28.53%, 63.23%, and 22.52%, respectively.The seismic response of the crossbeam can be reduced greatly by adding buckling restrained brace in the transverse direction of the bridge.The bending moment of the junction piers’ lower and middle crossbeams can be decreased by 58.89% and 62.48%, respectively.The seismic performance of the bridge can be improved with the combined seismic reduction measures, and the requirements of seismic fortification can be met, which can be used as a reference for the seismic reduction design of the same type bridges.


大跨度铁路钢桁架拱桥 / 近断层脉冲型地震动 / 地震响应特性 / 减震技术 / 摩擦摆支座 / 黏滞阻尼器 / 防屈曲支撑

Key words

long-span railway steel truss arch bridge / near-fault pulse ground motion / seismic response characteristic / seismic reduction technology / friction pendulum bearing / viscous damper / buckling restrained brace


江辉1,2,宋光松1,2,刘展铄3,郭辉4,5,卢文良1,周勇政6,曾聪1. 近断层地震下大跨度钢桁架拱桥减震技术研究[J]. 振动与冲击, 2023, 42(4): 95-105
JIANG Hui1,2,SONG Guangsong1,2,LIU Zhanshuo3,GUO Hui4,5,LU Wenliang1,ZHOU Yongzheng6,ZENG Cong1. Seismic reduction technology of a long-span railway steel truss arch bridge under near-fault earthquakes[J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2023, 42(4): 95-105


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