In order to study the vibration transmission mechanism of underwater vibration isolator, the vibration coupling theoretical model of double-layer cylindrical shell with elastic connection and interlayer water is established by combining substructure admittance method, wave propagation method and four end parameter method. The model is divided into two substructures: inner and outer shell and the modified substructure composed of elastic connection. The influence of sandwich fluid is described by the matrix composed of structural stiffness and connection stiffness, the sound pressure of water medium in the inner shell is deduced, and the vibration transmission characteristics of underwater vibration isolator are studied. The results show that under the condition of interlayer water medium, the fluid loading effect of water medium in the inner shell acts on the inner shell and outter shell at the same time; The interlayer water between the inner and outer shells plays a "short circuit" role in the vibration transmission between the shells, which reduces the vibration damping performance of the vibration isolator, while has nothing to do with the interlayer thickness; In addition, compared with the rigid support connection, the underwater vibration isolator still has a certain vibration isolation effect.
弹性连接 /
夹层流体 /
双层圆柱壳 /
{{custom_keyword}} /
Key words
elastic connection /
interlayer water /
double cylindrical shell /
vibration transmission
{{custom_keyword}} /
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