

振动与冲击 ›› 2024, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (16) : 67-76.

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振动与冲击 ›› 2024, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (16) : 67-76.


  • 周圣禄,李伟,周志军,温泽峰,钟文生
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Vertical dynamic characteristics of steel spring floating-slab track and its effects on wheel-rail contact forces

  • ZHOU Shenglu,LI Wei,ZHOU Zhijun,WEN Zefeng,ZHONG Wensheng
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钢弹簧浮置板作为一种高等减振轨道广泛铺设于我国地铁线路中,在服役过程中,该轨道在部分线路中出现的钢轨波磨问题,轮轨动态行为对其产生有较大影响。为研究该轨道垂向动态特性及其对轮轨瞬态力的影响,建立钢弹簧浮置板轨道的三维轮轨瞬态滚动接触有限元模型,分析在有、无车辆加载下轨道垂向位移导纳特性,模拟钢轨宽频不平顺激扰下轮轨垂向瞬态接触力的响应。结果表明:(1)无车辆加载作用下,钢弹簧浮置板轨道在100 Hz以下(22 Hz、43 Hz、68 Hz等)振动模态表现为钢轨和浮置板共同垂向弯曲,在100 ~ 1400 Hz中高频段表现为钢轨相对浮置板弯曲。(2)车辆加载后,轨道导纳出现59 Hz的P2共振,及64 Hz和72 Hz的轨道整体弯曲振动峰值。(3)柔性轮轨耦合后轨道导纳受到轮对作用影响在364 Hz、489 Hz、623 Hz处出现新峰值。其中,364 Hz、489 Hz为车轮振动模态引起,623 Hz为双轮对干涉引起的钢轨弯曲模态。(4)车辆瞬态通过含60 ~ 220 mm波长钢轨不平顺的轨道时,轮轨瞬态垂向接触力在约70 Hz响应最显著,这是由轨道的整体弯曲振动模态被激发引起,该振动是钢弹簧浮置板轨道出现160 ~ 200 mm波长波磨的原因。


Steel spring floating slab (SSFS) is extensively utilized as a high vibration damping track in metro lines. The wheel-rail dynamic behavior has a major impact on the rail corrugation occurred on the some SSFS track. A three-dimensional finite element (FE) model of wheel–rail transient rolling contact on the SSFS track was established to investigate the vertical dynamic characteristics of the track and their effects on the wheel-rail transient contact forces. The vertical receptance of the track was analyzed with and without vehicle loading. The wheel-rail vertical transient contact force under wide-frequency excitation of the rail irregularity was simulated in the FE model. The simulation results show that (1) Without vehicle loading, the vibration modes of the SSFS track below 100 Hz (including 22 Hz, 43 Hz, 68 Hz, etc.) are the vertical bending of the rail and the floating slab together. The vibration modes of the track in the frequency range from 100 to 1400 Hz represent the bending of the rail relative to the floating slab. (2) After vehicle loading, the P2 resonance occurs at 59 Hz. The vertical receptance of the track shows the peaks at 64 Hz and 72 Hz, which represent the bending of the entire track. (3) New peaks of the rail receptance occur at frequencies 364, 489, and 623 Hz after considering flexible wheel-rail coupling. The peaks at 364 and 489 Hz represent the joint vibration of wheelset and track slab and the peak at 623 Hz represents the rail bending due to the interference of dual wheelsets in the track. (4) When the vehicle passes through rail irregularities with a wavelength of 60 ~ 220 mm, the vertical transient contact force attributed to the bending mode of the entire track reaches its maximum at about 70 Hz, which is the reason for the corrugation with a wavelength of 160 ~ 200 mm on the SSFS track.


地铁 / 钢弹簧浮置板 / 轮轨瞬态滚动接触 / 位移导纳 / 有限元法

Key words

metro / steel spring floating slab / transient wheel-rail rolling contact / receptance / finite element method


周圣禄,李伟,周志军,温泽峰,钟文生. 钢弹簧浮置板轨道垂向动态特性及对轮轨力的影响研究[J]. 振动与冲击, 2024, 43(16): 67-76
ZHOU Shenglu,LI Wei,ZHOU Zhijun,WEN Zefeng,ZHONG Wensheng. Vertical dynamic characteristics of steel spring floating-slab track and its effects on wheel-rail contact forces[J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2024, 43(16): 67-76


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