
陈进;江世永;周 凌;姚 凯;曾祥蓉;张蕾;郑三念

振动与冲击 ›› 2013, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (21) : 150-157.

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振动与冲击 ›› 2013, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (21) : 150-157.


  • 陈进1,江世永1,周 凌1,姚 凯2,曾祥蓉1,张蕾1,郑三念3
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Experimental Studies on The Seismic Performance of Beam Transfer Structure with Hybrid Reinforced

  • CHENJin1,JIANGShiyong1,ZHOULin1,YAOKai2,ZENGXiangrong1,ZHANGLei1,ZENGSannian
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通过对3榀混合配筋梁式转换结构和1榀钢筋混凝土梁式转换结构进行拟静力试验, 在与钢筋混凝土梁式转换结构对比分析的基础上,研究混合配筋梁式转换结构在竖向和水平荷载作用下的受弯性能、屈服机制、破坏机制,以及承载能力、滞回特征、刚度退化、延性和抗震性能,探讨端部CFRP筋锚固措施。试验结果表明:混合配筋梁式转换结构的承载能力优于全钢筋混凝土梁式转换结构;结构延性系数均大于3,刚度退化曲线没有明显速降,骨架曲线下降平缓,以及滞回曲线较为丰满说明混合配筋梁式转换结构具有较好的延性和抗震性能;该结构满足我国抗震规范对延性框架“强柱、弱梁、强节点”的设计要求。若采取可靠的锚固措施,CFRP筋、钢筋与混凝土完全能够共同可靠工作。


Based on 3 specimens of hybrid reinforced beam transfer structure and 1 specimen of reinforced concrete beam transfer structure for pseudo static test. With comparison and analysis of reinforced concrete beam transfer structure, flexural performance, yielding mechanism, failure mechanism, and bearing capacity, hysteretic behavior, stiffness degradation, ductility and seismic performance of hybrid reinforced beam transfer structure under vertical load and horizontal loads were studied, the CFRP anchor at the end was measured. The test results show that: bearing capacity of hybrid reinforcement beam transfer structure is better than that of reinforced concrete beam transfer structure; structural ductility coefficient is greater than 3, stiffness degradation curves were not downhill, skeleton curve decreased slowly, and the hysteresis curve is plump; hybrid reinforced beam transfer structure is with good ductility and seismic performance; The structure meets China seismic code requirements for design of ductile frames " strong column, weak beam, strong nodes ". If the anchorage is safe , CFRP bars, concrete and steel can jointly work reliably.


梁式转换结构 / 混合配筋 / 抗震性能 / 拟静力试验

Key words

beam transfer structure / hybrid reinforcement / seismic performance / pseudo static test


陈进;江世永;周 凌;姚 凯;曾祥蓉;张蕾;郑三念. 混合配筋梁式转换结构抗震性能试验研究[J]. 振动与冲击, 2013, 32(21): 150-157
CHENJin;JIANGShiyong;ZHOULin;YAOKai;ZENGXiangrong;ZHANGLei;ZENGSannian. Experimental Studies on The Seismic Performance of Beam Transfer Structure with Hybrid Reinforced [J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2013, 32(21): 150-157

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