Experimental Study of Wind Force on Latticed Tower

ZHANG Qinghua;GU Ming;HUANG Peng

Journal of Vibration and Shock ›› 2009, Vol. 28 ›› Issue (2) : 1-4.

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Journal of Vibration and Shock ›› 2009, Vol. 28 ›› Issue (2) : 1-4.

Experimental Study of Wind Force on Latticed Tower

  • ZHANG Qinghua, GU Ming, HUANG Peng
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Abstract Latticed tower(LT) have been tested in TJ-1 wind tunnel in Tongji University using high-frequency-force-balance technique to investigate the characteristics of wind forces acting on the tower. The results indicate that the mean force coefficients have no practical variability with turbulence. And along-wind wind force is the major load on the LT for the static wind effects, along-wind fluctuating forces are larger than across-wind fluctuating forces, but the fluctuating torsional force can be ignoring. At same time, some exiting codes and standards about mean drag coefficients are compared. Based on the analysis of power spectrum densities (PSDs) of the forces, some conclusions are drawn that incoming wind turbulence has great contributions to the along-wind forces, and PSD of across-wind forces is more complicated, multiple excitations may be existed. In addition, the torsional PSD is a broadband frequency spectrum, and its value is smaller than PSD values of along-wind and across-wind force, with the increasing of turbulence, the torsional PSD value does not change remarkably. Furthermore, the coherence of across-wind forces and torsional moment is strong,and turbulence intensity has little influence on coherence.

Key words

latticed tower / wind tunnel test / high-frequency-force-balance / wind force coefficient / power spectrum / coherence function

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ZHANG Qinghua;GU Ming;HUANG Peng. Experimental Study of Wind Force on Latticed Tower[J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2009, 28(2): 1-4
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