15 November 2024, Volume 43 Issue 21

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  • ZHANG Jianyu1, FENG Mengjie1, GUO Xu2, DU Xiaozhong3
    Journal of Vibration and Shock. 2024, 43(21): 1-11.
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    With the increasing scale of offshore wind turbine design in recent years, the problem of rain erosion failure at the leading edge of the blades has become increasingly prominent, which not only affects the wind energy conversion efficiency, but also poses a potential threat to the stable operation of the structure. The smooth particle dynamics (SPH) is used to study the constitutive relationship inside the raindrop, and the RVE model of the leading edge of the blade is founded by FEM modeling. SPH-FEM coupled model is then established to investigate the impact response of the blade surface by raindrop impingement. With the actual rainfall conditions in consideration, the raindrop size distribution model related to rainfall intensity and the spatial distribution model are established. By simulating the impact of a single raindrop, the impact loading on blade surface and the velocity field inside the raindrop are studied. Through the analysis of the stress and strain fields induced by the impact, potential damage areas are evaluated. Through the multi raindrop impact simulation, the coupling effect between impact stress fields and the cumulative effect of plastic strain on the coating surface are evaluated. The results have indicated that water hammer impact is the key factor for the accumulation of plastic strain. Although the stress amplitude during the lateral spraying stage is small and shows disordered characteristics, the stress maximum will appear in the coupling zone and has a potential impact on blade deformation and failure if there is coupling impact among multiple raindrops.
  • YANG Chunshan1, WEI Lixin1, ZHU Min2, 3, 4, LIU Liying1, BAO Xiaohua2, 3, 4, ZHAO Zeqian2, 3, 4, CHEN Xiangsheng2, 3, 4
    Journal of Vibration and Shock. 2024, 43(21): 12-20.
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    With the frequent occurrence of explosion disasters in hazardous chemical storage containers at ports, an increasing number of shield tunnel structures are facing potential threats from surface blast loads. This article adopts the multi material ALE fluid structure coupling modeling method, taking into account the complex nonlinear behavior of various structures such as bolts, steel bars, and concrete segments, and establishes a refined model of a ultra-large diameter shield tunnel under ground blast loads for numerical simulation. By conducting parameter analysis on explosive equivalent, burial depth, and detonation source eccentricity, the dynamic response and damage process of the tunnel structure in the upper soft and lower hard strata underground explosion loads are studied, and the deformation mode at the joints, as well as the plastic development of the bolts are analyzed. The results show that under ground explosion loads, the damage of shield tunnels develops from the top to the two shoulders, with longitudinal joints forming staggered and circumferential joints opening and closing alternately. Therefore, compared to the cast-in-place structure, in order to cope with the attack of potential ground blast loads, enough attention should be paid to strengthening the protection of the positions in the shoulders and joints of the shield tunnel.
  • ZHENG Yanjun1, WANG Zhan1, 2, LIU Deming1, PAN Jianrong1, 2, HU Fangxin1, 2
    Journal of Vibration and Shock. 2024, 43(21): 21-30.
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    Establishing seismic input energy spectra is foundational for realizing energy-based seismic design. This study proposes a method to generate input energy spectra, considering the medium and long period corrections of design acceleration response spectra, and the effective duration of ground motions. Analyzing the time history results of 270 sets of artificial ground motions, a four-piece form input energy spectrum for elastic single degree of freedom (SDOF) systems represented in equivalent velocity is derived. Parameters for the normalized equivalent velocity spectra, which vary under different design conditions such as sites and earthquake intensities, are provided. Furthermore, considering the ductility coefficient and stiffness reduction factor, the equivalent velocity spectra for the revised input energy spectra of elasto-plastic SDOF system are proposed. The ratio of hysteretic energy that causes structural damage to the total energy is estimated. The findings could offer a reference for energy-based structural design and research.
  • DONG Zengshou, PEI Jie, SHI Hui, CHANG Chunbo, LIU Xinran
    Journal of Vibration and Shock. 2024, 43(21): 31-45.
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    As multi-component systems become increasingly complex and intelligent, multi-components in the system work in concert with each other, and their degraded interactions are often not negligible. Therefore, based on the consideration of the interactions between the components of a multi-component system, A Remaining Useful Life Prediction method was proposed that constructs a Vine tree reduced-dimensional pruning pair-Copula function to model the relevance structure between high-dimensional variables. The degradation model of the multi-component system is first modelled through a Lévy process, and the optimal selection of the Copula function is carried out using the Akaike information criterion. Secondly, the bi-directional stochastic dependence between two components under high-dimensional multivariate is characterized by Copula function, and the Vine tree reduced-dimensional pruning method is used to downsize the relevance structure between high-dimensional variables and to model the real-time Remaining Useful Life Prediction of the components of the multi-component system; Then the combination of Bayesian parameter estimation and maximum likelihood estimation is employed to achieve dynamic updating of the stochastic model as well as the stochastic hyperparameters under the consideration of the effect of individual component heterogeneity. Finally, the rationality and validity of the proposed model are verified by the C-MAPSS turbine engine model. 
  • CHEN Leilei1, 2, WANG Jiachen2, LI Shuai3, CHEN Pan1
    Journal of Vibration and Shock. 2024, 43(21): 46-54.
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    This paper adopts the Direct FE2 method for simulating the electromechanical coupling problem of heterogeneous materials. This method breaks through the inherent framework of traditional concurrent multiscale analysis methods that rely on control scripts for macro-to-micro across scale information transfer.It derives the multi-point constraint (MPCs) equations that enable the direct real-time transfer of macroscopic and microscopic information by utilizing the finite element control equations and the Hill-Mandel homogenization conditions required for concurrent multiscale analysis. This method combines the macroscopic structural model and the Representative Volume Element (RVE) model required for concurrent multiscale analysis into a single finite element model, eliminating the need for repetitive data transfer between the two scales. Finally, the correctness and effectiveness of the proposed algorithm are verified through several numerical examples.
  • LONG Xu1, HU Yuntao1, LIN Huagang1, MA Ruilei2, 3, CHANG Xiaotong1, SU Yutai1
    Journal of Vibration and Shock. 2024, 43(21): 55-63.
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    To solve the ill-posed problem and noise sensitivity in the recognition technology of shock load, an improved Bayesian regularization method based on Tikhonov regularization technology was proposed. By introducing the wavelet thresholding method to the Bayesian regularization method, it further solved the poor recognition accuracy of multi-source/continuous shock loads under high noise level, allowing for more accurate selection of regularization parameters and more reasonable elimination of noise influence. By carrying out the finite element simulation analysis of different impact loads and signal-to-noise ratio noise of aviation aluminum wall plate structures, and taking the correlation coefficient and relative error as the evaluation indexes, the recognition effects of the Tikhonov regularization method based on the L-curve method, the Tikhonov regularization method based on the Generalized Cross Validation method and the improved Bayesian regularization method are compared and discussed. The results show that the improved Bayesian method takes into account the smoothness of the curve and the accuracy of peak recognition. At the high noise level of 20dB, the average error of the peak value is controlled within 14% when the continuous shock load is recognized. In addition, the impact test based on the actual reinforced aviation aluminum wall plate structure is carried out, which verifies the ability of the method of this article to accurately identify the peak value of typical impact load in practical application, and the average error of the peak is controlled within 18%, which provides an effective way to solve the load identification problem in engineering.
  • DUAN Qingsong1, MA Cunming2, 3, XU Zhao4
    Journal of Vibration and Shock. 2024, 43(21): 64-70.
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    The vortex-induced vibration (VIV) performance of the twin-box girder and its corresponding mitigation measures are one of the crucial issues faced in the wind resistance design of long-span bridges. As an example, a detailed investigation and analysis were conducted on a long-span suspension bridge. Relying on sectional model wind tunnel testing, the effects of wind attack angles on VIV performance of a twin-box girder were examined. Comprehensive optimization strategies for enhancing the VIV performance of twin-box girder sections are presented, that is the grid plates are positioned at two sides of the opening slot, which are along the longitudinal direction of the main girder. Moreover, a thorough investigation was conducted, to understand the influence law of the opening slot ratio on VIV performance. The results show that, when the damping ratio is 0.25%, the main girder appears vertical VIV and the dimensionless maximum amplitude is 0.032, 0.033, 0.023 at wind attack angle -3°, 0° and + 3°, respectively. At wind attack angle 0° and -3°, the maximum torsional VIV amplitude is 0.18° and 0.13°. The vertical VIV ceases to exist when the opening ratio of the grid plates reaches 50% and the grid plates are positioned on two sides of the opening slot. This is because, the air flow is separated at the leading edge of the windward side of the upstream section, resulting in the upper vortices with large size and pound on the downstream section with the movement of vortices. The Alternatively shedding vortices are arisen at the tail of the main girder and finally induces the VIV. After the arrangement of the grid plates, the grid plates reduced the separation of the airflow. Vortices with certain size are still be generated at the opening slot, while the size of vortices is significantly reduced. Simultaneously, the grid plates cause the vortices to be detached from the upper and lower parts of the girder section, reducing the impact on the downstream area, thereby enhancing the VIV performance of the main girder. The research conclusions could provide reference for the wind-resistant design of other twin-box girder sections.
  • WANG Zuohu1, HOU Xianmiao1, JIN Liu2, DONG Zhenhua3, SHAO Mingzhe1
    Journal of Vibration and Shock. 2024, 43(21): 71-79.
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    In order to study the seismic performance of reinforced concrete (RC) short columns, all the RC short columns were tested to failure under low-cycle repeated loading to study the effects of section size on seismic performance. The experiment mainly considered the influence of cross-sectional size and stirrup form. The sections of RC short columns are designed to be 200mm×200mm, 400mm×400m, and 600mm×600mm, respectively. Stirrups are ordinary square stirrups and well-shaped stirrups. The results show that RC short columns with the square stirrup show the characteristics of diagonal tension failure, and the brittle failure characteristics of the specimen are obvious. The columns with larger sizes of well-shaped stirrup, such as section length is 400mm and 600mm, were tested to shear compression failure. With the increase of section size of RC columns, the nominal shear strength, ductility, and average energy dissipation coefficient of the RC columns gradually decrease. Compared to short columns equipped with ordinary square stirrups, the rate of reduction of RC short columns equipped with well-shaped stirrups gradually decreases. A modified shear bearing calculation model for RC short columns was proposed by considering the influence of cross-sectional dimensions and stirrups, and the hysteretic model of RC short columns considering size effects was established, the calculated results are in good agreement with the experimental results.
  • SUN Zhuangzhuang1, ZHANG Jiamin1, TANG Fangping2, L Ning1, WANG Mengcheng3, CHEN Songshan3
    Journal of Vibration and Shock. 2024, 43(21): 80-88.
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    In order to study the impact of cavitation on the pressure pulsation in the impeller area of a high specific speed axial flow pump, an axial flow pump with a specific speed of about 1100 was used as an object. Through pressure pulsation tests and high-speed photography images, the pressure pulsation characteristics of the impeller area under different cavitation margins were analyzed. The research results show that: under design flow conditions, cavitation is generated from the leading edge of the blade, and is dominated by tip leakage vortex (TLV) cavitation. Under large flow conditions, cavitation is generated from the working surface of the blade inlet edge, and is dominated by sheet cavitation. As the cavitation margin decreases, the influence of the flow blockage caused by cavitation and the expansion of the low pressure area on the pressure fluctuation at the monitoring point in the impeller area is gradually increasing. The pressure pulsation changes at the blade leading edge monitoring point P1 and the blade trailing edge monitoring point P3 are mainly characterized by an increase in low-frequency pulsation components and a decrease in high-order harmonic components in the waveform. On the other hand, the monitoring point P2 in the middle of the impeller is affected by the disturbance of cavitation motion. The high-order harmonic components in the waveform increase and the high-frequency pulsation component increases. Except for the overall downward trend in pressure pulsation intensity at monitoring point P1 under design flow and large flow conditions, there is usually a local rising point in the pressure pulsation intensity distribution at each monitoring point, and the generation of cavitation causes the pulsation intensity in the impeller area to increase within a certain cavitation margin range. The pressure pulsation characteristics of the impeller area under different cavitation margins are studied and analyzed in the research, which can provide a reference for the safe and stable operation of axial flow pumps, and the research results can provide reference for the safe and stable operation of axial flow pumps.
  • WEI Bo, DOU Yufei, FAN Ranglin
    Journal of Vibration and Shock. 2024, 43(21): 89-95.
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    In order to analyze and evaluate its performance in suppressing vehicle vibration, a mechanical and mathematical model of mechanical-electric-magnetic-liquid multi-field coupling is established for active hydraulic mount with electromagnetic actuator, and the transmission characteristic of secondary path is deduced. N-C-FxLMS (narrowband complex filtered-x least mean square) algorithm based on secondary path transmission characteristic in the form of voltage control is used to simulate the system. The experiment is verified based on dSPACE semi-physical simulation platform and inova vibration test bench. The simulation result shows that the proposed control strategy can significantly improve the vibration damping performance of the system in the frequency band from 25 Hz to 200 Hz. The experimental result shows that the active control can reduce the vibration transmitted to the autobody end by 17 dB to 27 dB, which verifies the accuracy of the model and the effectiveness of the control strategy, and provides a valuable theoretical basis and experimental support for the design and optimization of the active mount system.
  • LUAN Xiaochi, TANG Jiezhong, SHA Yundong
    Journal of Vibration and Shock. 2024, 43(21): 96-106.
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    For the problems that the fault signal transmission path of inter-shaft bearing is complex, interfered by background noise, fault features extraction are difficult, and the accuracy of traditional diagnosis model is limited by the location of measuring points, an inter-shaft bearing fault diagnosis method based on a combination of Complete Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition with Adaptive Noise (CEEMDAN) and Deep Extreme Learning Machine (DELM) optimized by Dung Beetle Optimizer (DBO) was proposed. Firstly, the original signal was decomposed,screened and reconstructed by CEEMDAN and the intrinsic mode function screening criteria composed of energy ratio-correlation coefficient-kurtosis value,and features were extracted from the time domain and frequency domain of the reconstructed signal to form the feature matrix. Secondly, reconstruct the DELM after optimizing the initial weight of DELM model using the diagnostic accuracy as the fitness value of DBO. Finally, the feature matrix was input into DELM to complete fault diagnosis. Taking the inter-shaft bearing fault data as an example, the DELM diagnosis accuracy after DBO optimization has been greatly improved, and the diagnosis accuracy was still up to 98.75% in the 45° direction which was difficult to diagnose. The results show that the diagnostic method can effectively identify the inter-shaft bearing fault type and shows strong robustness and generalization ability.
  • SHI Yifei, HUANG Yufeng, WANG Feng, SHI Jia, ZHANG Jie
    Journal of Vibration and Shock. 2024, 43(21): 107-115.
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    To accurately extract the rolling bearing fault information masked by strong background noise, a parameter-optimized feature mode decomposition (POFMD) is proposed. Firstly, to solve the problem of selecting input parameters based on empirical experience in the feature mode decomposition (FMD), the weighted Gini index of the square envelope spectrum (WGISES) was used as the objective function, which is constructed using the kurtosis of the square envelope spectrum (KSES) as the weight and combined with the Gini index of the square envelope spectrum (GISES), to obtain the optimal parameter combination for the FMD through an optimization algorithm; Secondly, To address the challenge of selecting the main mode component in the FMD, the main mode component was selected by calculating the KSES values of the mode components decomposed by the FMD; Finally, envelope spectrum analysis was used to achieve fault diagnosis. After analyzing the simulated and measured signals, the effectiveness of the POFMD in rolling bearing fault diagnosis under strong background noise is verified. Compared with the variational modal decomposition (VMD), maximum correlation kurtosis deconvolution (MCKD) and spectrum kurtosis (SK), the POFMD performs better in extracting fault features.
  • HU Peng1, CHEN Fei1, HAN Yan1, CHEN Wanting1, LI Chunguang1, HU Guangde2
    Journal of Vibration and Shock. 2024, 43(21): 116-127.
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    To investigate the wind pressure characteristics of the rectangular beam section under the effects of the steady thunderstorm downburst wind, large eddy simulation (LES) method was conducted to simulate the flow field around a 2:1 rectangular beam section at different radial positions, and the numerical simulation results were compared with wind tunnel test results. Based on the above, the flow field and wind pressure distribution characteristics of the rectangular beam section were analyzed, and the wind pressure power spectrum and correlation of the rectangular beam section were studied. The results show that the wind pressure coefficients around the rectangular beam surfaces are basically symmetrical along the central axis under three typical case conditions, i.e., r = 0.6Djet (development stage), r = 1.8Djet (mature stage) and r = 4.0Djet (dissipation stage), and the farther the rectangular beam is from the jet center, the smaller the absolute values of the wind pressure coefficients are. Among them, the wind pressure coefficients on the windward surface are all positive, the wind pressure coefficients on the lower and leeward surfaces are all negative, whereas the wind pressure coefficients on the upper surface change significantly with different radial distances. At r = 1.8Djet, the flow reattachment occurs to a certain extent at the rear end of the lower surface, which increases the pressure at the rear end of the lower surface. At r = 4.0Djet, the flow separates at the front end of the upper surface, which results in a further increase of the negative pressure at the front. The vortex in the windward region has formed a stable structure, and the energy of each measurement point is basically stable. The energy near the upper corner of the leeward surface reaches the maximum, while the energy at the front corner of the upper and lower surfaces is relatively low. The wind pressure coefficients of measurement points on the same surface of the rectangular beam section are all positively correlated, and the wind pressure correlation decreases with the increase of the distance between measurement points. The coherence of fluctuating wind pressure of measurement points at the windward surface is strong, and the coherence function value is about 0.9. The fluctuating wind pressure of measurement points on the upper and leeward surfaces have strong coherence around the frequency of 0.05 Hz and below 0.2 Hz, respectively. In terms of aerodynamic admittance functions, the traditional Sears function values will no longer be applicable in the environment of the thunderstorm downburst wind.
  • WU Min1, 2, ZHOU Hai1, HAN Runbo3, JIN Liu2, DU Xiuli2
    Journal of Vibration and Shock. 2024, 43(21): 128-137.
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    With the increasing of accidents involving piers subjected to vehicle collisions, the impact resistance performance of precast segment piers has attracted widespread attention. In order to effectively control the relative slip between concrete segments and improve their impact resistance, this article establishes a three-dimensional finite element model of piers under vehicle collision, analyzes the local failure mechanism, and proposes the method of using shear keys and embedded SMA steel bars. The research results indicate that the failure mode of precast segment piers under vehicle collision is local shear failure, and based on theoretical derivation, the dynamic shear strength calculation method is proposed, which is smaller than that of cast-in-place piers; The shear keys can effectively control the relative displacement between concrete segments and shift the overall deformation mode of the precast segment pier from shear type to bending type under vehicle collision; The embedded SMA steel bars in precast segment piers also have a good effect on improving relative displacement. The overall deformation resistance of precast segment piers is improved. 
  • WANG Jiang1, WU Mengtao2, LIU Fangcheng1, BIN Jia1, ZENG Xianghua1
    Journal of Vibration and Shock. 2024, 43(21): 138-146.
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    This paper employs finite element software to simulate the seismic isolation response of a Rubber Sand Core Composite Block (RSMCB) suitable for rural housing. Based on existing shake table tests, simulations were conducted to replicate the seismic isolation response. Subsequently, seismic response simulations were performed on a brick-concrete structure office building in Luding County, Ganzi Prefecture, Sichuan Province, which experienced a knee-sitting collapse during a magnitude 6.8 earthquake, both before and after the installation of RSMCB, under the input conditions of MOXI and Turkey waves. Comparisons and analyses were made regarding the inter-story displacements and shear forces, leading to the following conclusions: (1) The input acceleration decreases to a certain extent after filtering through the rubber sand core composite block pad layer, with attenuation and filtering of high-frequency vibration frequencies being its main seismic isolation mechanism. (2) The simulation results show minor discrepancies with the experimental data, fully validating the accuracy of the numerical modeling method and the reliability of the subroutine constitutive relations. (3) The acceleration response, inter-story displacement, and shear forces of the office building structure with RSMCB installed were significantly reduced compared to the structure model without RSMCB. The inter-story displacement is the largest at the bottom isolation layer, and the response of the upper structure with RSMCB installed is the greatest under XYZ input conditions. (4) RSMCB significantly enhances seismic isolation for houses and meets the low-cost isolation needs in underdeveloped rural areas. It demonstrates good application prospects in rural development processes. The rubber sand core composite block is easy to source, cost-effective, and provides significant seismic isolation effects, making it a viable low-cost, long-life seismic isolation technology.
  • WANG Bochun1, WANG Qiming1, 2, ZHU Ruihu2, 3, LI Chengming1
    Journal of Vibration and Shock. 2024, 43(21): 147-155.
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    There is multi-type aliasing phenomenon in the dynamic response of pile foundation of high-piled wharf under wave excitation, signal reconstruction is crucial for the damage detection. Variational Mode Decomposition method can effectively avoid the problem of mode aliasing, but because the dynamic response’s spectrum is complex, the number of modes and penalty factors can seriously affect the decomposition results. To solve this problem, an Improved Adaptive Variational Mode Decomposition method is proposed, in which the penalty factor of each frequency component is adjusted adaptively with the penalty weight coefficient, and the optimal mode number is determined using the signal integrity of the decomposition result. Furthermore, the validity and applicability of IAVMD are verified through the model test of high-piled wharf under wave excitation. The results show that, IAVMD can accurately separate the damage characteristic signals and determine the location and size of the damage according to the energy factor.
  • LIU Guangxing1, 2, MA Yihao2
    Journal of Vibration and Shock. 2024, 43(21): 156-162.
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    To improve the accuracy and efficiency of fault diagnosis in the gearbox of petroleum electric drill winches, a fusion model based on Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) and Random Forest (RF) is proposed. Firstly, LSTM is employed to learn complex features from large-scale data, using these features as input to the Random Forest. The Random Forest then processes nonlinear and high-dimensional data, classifying features to identify different gear fault states. Finally, a comprehensive dataset containing various gear fault types is established using real-time data from the operation of electric drill winch gearboxes. Experimental results show that the diagnosis accuracy of LSTM for gear faults is 94.67%, RF achieves a diagnosis accuracy of 94.34%, Support Vector Machine (SVM) reaches 82.00%, and KNN achieves a diagnosis accuracy of 88.33%. In contrast, the fusion model LSTM-RF achieves a gear fault diagnosis accuracy of 98.33%, overcoming the limitations of individual models, and improving diagnostic accuracy. The research demonstrates that the fusion model exhibits superior fault diagnosis capabilities for the gearbox of electric drill winches. 
  • LIU Pei1, 2, HUI Dacheng1, XUE Wen1
    Journal of Vibration and Shock. 2024, 43(21): 163-173.
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  • SUN Xinlei1, PAN Zhi2, 3, HE Weiping2, YANG Luchun2
    Journal of Vibration and Shock. 2024, 43(21): 174-179.
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    In order to calculate the pressure fluctuation power spectrum density at the wall under the turbulent boundary layer, this paper develops a method by combining the TNO-Blake analytical model revised by Grasso and the RANS time-averaged flow field solution. For the anisotropy characteristics of turbulent flow near the wall, the Stalnov’s recommended values were used for the flow direction and transverse direction’s anisotropy model, and the test parameters were used for the normal anisotropy model. The effects of turbulence energy spectrum model and migration velocity are analyzed, and compared with the results of Goody model. The results show that this calculation method is reasonable and feasible, which can quickly obtain the wall pressure fluctuation PSD, and can provide input for the vibration and noise analysis of engineering equipment design. 
  • YAN Huadong, ZHOU Xuewen, LIU Jin, WANG Yutao
    Journal of Vibration and Shock. 2024, 43(21): 180-186.
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    To support the transition of rocket sled test speed from supersonic to hypersonic, it is necessary to break through key technologies such as boundary control in the design of hypersonic rocket sled systems under the coupling of multiple factors. Starting from the analysis of the main causes of instability in hypersonic rocket sled tests, from the perspective of structure and system, strength criteria for the shoe and rail and ultimate impact velocity criteria are constructed to constrain the design boundary. Then, the influence of shoe-rail clearance and track irregularity on the stable operation of the rocket sled is studied through the sled rail coupling dynamic response calculation method, to determine the operational stability of the rocket sled system on the track and guide the optimization of the experimental system. Finally, experimental verification was conducted on the optimized system, and it was found that the system operates normally on the track and meets the design requirements. The results indicate that the criteria for stable operation of hypersonic rocket sleds can guide the design of hypersonic rocket sled systems and have certain engineering application value.
  • LU Weiwen1, 2, ZHOU Bowen1, TONG Hui1, 3, ZHANG Bin1
    Journal of Vibration and Shock. 2024, 43(21): 187-193.
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    In the complex underwater environment, imaging sonar plays an important role in identifying underwater target recognition because of its high-resolution detection and high efficiency. The emission transducers of multi-beam imaging sonar mostly use arc array, which has wide directional range. But there is a problem of large directional fluctuation at edge, which affects the uniformity of signal intensity. In addition, the transducer usually uses the matching layer technology to broaden the working bandwidth for more information. The impedance of the matching layer is between the excitation source and the medium, which is conducive to the radiation of sound energy. This paper designs a 400kHz arc emission transducer, which controls the beam by weighting the array to reduce directional fluctuations and adds a matching layer to the transducer. The results show that the horizontal directional fluctuation in 130°is reduced from 3dB to 1.5dB, the central frequency is 402kHz, and the bandwidth is broadened to 217.3kHz. The optimization effect is significant.
  • LIU Wei, ZHANG Shuyao, ZHAI Zhixing, ZHU Shuhai, LI Shuangxi
    Journal of Vibration and Shock. 2024, 43(21): 194-201.
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    In order to solve the problem that the vibration signal characteristics of the floating ring sealing device are weak and difficult to identify under different friction conditions, the traditional deep learning network has achieved remarkable results in performance. However, due to the problems of many hyperparameters, long training time, many iterations, low network accuracy and high computational cost, the model has certain limitations in practical use. Therefore, this study proposes a new method based on the Deep Residual Network (ResNet), which is based on the Fast Attention Mechanism (Quick Squeeze Excitation ResNet), to solve the problem in the classification of friction and vibration signals of floating ring seals. This method improves the performance of the model by introducing an attention mechanism, adjusting the connection of the network residual blocks, and selecting a specific optimizer, and compares the test with the other four models on the same Mel spectrogram dataset. The results show that the accuracy of QSE-ResNet reaches 97%, which is 13% higher than that of traditional convolutional neural networks (CNN), while shortening the number of model iterations by 55% and saving 30% of network training time. In addition, QSE-ResNet successfully solves the problems of overfitting, gradient explosion and gradient vanishing, which significantly shortens the number of iterations, saves network training time and improves test accuracy, making the signal status monitoring and equipment deployment of floating ring seal friction vibration more convenient. The QSE-ResNet proposed in this study makes the floating ring seal friction and vibration model more convenient to deploy, and provides a new idea for the study of floating ring seal friction vibration signal.
  • ZHOU Yu1, 2, 3, SHI Yingdi1, 3, DI Shengkui2, FANG Dengjia2, LI Meng1, 3
    Journal of Vibration and Shock. 2024, 43(21): 202-210.
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    The finite element model often fails to reflect the real operating condition of the bridge and cannot accurately analyze the overall stress state of the bridge structure. In order to establish a finite element model suitable for high-precision analysis of cable-stayed bridges, a finite element model correction method based on the measured deflection influence line and GA-BP network is proposed. Firstly, to identify the deflection influence line of a single measurement point of a cable-stayed bridge, it is proposed to adopt the empirical variational modal decomposition (E-VMD) to eliminate the dynamic component of vehicular response, and combine with the Tikhonov regularization method to solve the influence line identification equations, to reconstruct the deflection influence line of a real cable-stayed bridge, and to accurately restore the quasi-static deflection influence line of a real cable-stayed bridge, and then to construct a regression prediction method by selecting the correction parameter with the deflection influence line as the target parameter by using the GA-BP network. The modified parameters are selected by GA-BP network to construct the regression prediction method with the deflection influence line as the target parameter; finally, the measured deflection influence line is substituted into the network model to obtain the optimization parameters of the modified finite element model. After calculation and analysis, the relative error at the deflection line of the modified model control section decreased from 57.2% to 14.1%, and the gray correlation coefficient increased to 0.9076, which improved the analysis accuracy of the modified finite element model and made it closer to the real operation state of the bridge.
  • LI Chuangdi1, JIANG Lifu1, GE Xinguang2, WANG Ruibo1, LI Yuxiang3
    Journal of Vibration and Shock. 2024, 43(21): 211-221.
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    In view of the complexity of response analysis of practical viscoelastic damping energy dissipation system under random wind-induced excitation and the lack of research on the influence of brace stiffness, a method for calculating the random wind-induced response moment and variance of the viscoelastic damping energy dissipation structure with braces is proposed, and the dynamic response characteristics of the bracing stiffness to the structure are analyzed. Firstly, according to the series relationship between viscoelastic damper and installation support, the equivalent differential constitutive equation of six-parameter practical viscoelastic damper is established. Secondly, the analytic solution of 0-2 order spectral moment (displacement, interstory displacement, damping force, bracing displacement) is derived by using complex mode method, virtual excitation method and power spectrum quadratic decomposition method. Finally, the accuracy of the proposed method is verified by a numerical example, and the influence of brace stiffness on the damping performance and structural reliability of viscoelastic dampers is studied. the results show that the greater the brace stiffness of the damper is, the more the damping performance of the damper can be brought into full play. it is necessary to consider the adverse effect of brace stiffness in engineering application.
  • LI Jinhua, GUO Jishan
    Journal of Vibration and Shock. 2024, 43(21): 222-230.
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    Controlling the bridge vibration response is the key to ensure the safe and stable operation of high-speed trains. Following the principle that the beam does not resonate or respond to large displacement, a frequency domain analysis method for the fundamental frequency limit of simply supported beam bridges is proposed. Firstly, based on the moving load column model, the bridge vibration response spectrum and the moving load spectrum are obtained by Fourier Transform, and the correctness of the spectrum is verified from the perspective of time domain. Then, by introducing the inter-span ratio γ and the dimensionless velocity κ, the relationship between the dimensionless velocity κ and the inter-span ratio γ when the maximum displacement response of the free vibration of the bridge occurs under different moving loads is explored. Next according to the γ-κ relationship curve, the dimensionless velocity κ under the maximum displacement response of 24 m, 32 m and 40 m simply supported beam bridges is analyzed. Finally, in order to avoid the resonance or large displacement response of the bridge under train excitation, referring to the International Railway Union 's fundamental frequency limit specification, based on the moving load spectrum, the recommended values of the fundamental frequency limit of 24m, 32m and 40m simply supported beam bridges under moving load column at different design speeds are given. Research shows that: (1) The amplitude spectrum of moving load is consistent with the response law of free vibration displacement amplitude of bridge calculated in time domain. (2) When the moving load train with a single train length of about 25 m excites the bridge at the resonance speed, the free vibration of the 24 m and 32 m simply supported beam bridge can reach the maximum displacement response, while the 40 m simply supported beam bridge only produces a large displacement response, and the maximum displacement condition cannot be reached within the train operation speed. (3) The fundamental frequency limit of the bridge increases with the increase of the train speed. When the maximum design speed is 400km/h, the recommended lower limits of the fundamental frequency of 24m, 32m and 40m simply supported beam bridges are 6.00Hz, 4.94Hz and 5.66Hz respectively. 
  • CHEN Tianyu1, 2, XU Rongwu1, 2, LI Ruibiao1, 2
    Journal of Vibration and Shock. 2024, 43(21): 231-236.
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    Underwater structure radiation noise evaluation method based on vibration data measurement and operational transfer path analysis can quickly predict the far field radiation noise of underwater targets, which is of great significance for knowing the conditions of underwater targets and maintaining concealment. Aiming at the evaluation problem of radiation noise under transient states, this paper conducts experiments on a cylindrical shell (a cabin model). Regularization method based on generalized cross-validation is adopted to solve the vibration-sound transfer function of vibration signals and measured radiation noise under different steady states. Then the radiation noise of transient excitation is evaluated and is compared with the measured actual noise. At the same time, the weighted average error is introduced to measure the evaluation accuracy. The test results show that the weighted average error of transient radiation noise evaluation is less than 2 dB in the characteristic frequency band (the level of radiation noise is obviously higher than the background noise). In this paper, we verify the effectiveness of the operational transfer path analysis method to evaluate the transient radiated noise, which lays a foundation for further research on complex structures.
  • TANG Youqi1, ZHOU Xingyu1, CHEN Ling2, TAN Xia1, MAO Yongheng1
    Journal of Vibration and Shock. 2024, 43(21): 237-244.
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    A transverse and longitudinal coupling mathematical model for an axially accelerating viscoelastic beam is constructed, considering the effects of the longitudinally varying tension, the external viscous damping coefficient, and the support stiffness coefficient. The steady-state response of the beam under the axial tension variation is numerically analyzed. The Galerkin method is used to transform the continuous model into a series of ordinary differential equations which can be truncated indefinitely in theory. The errors in the relevant literature are corrected. The running time of different truncation orders and their effects on the final result are compared. The numerical solution of the steady-state response is obtained based on the 8th-order Galerkin truncation method and the 4th-order Runge-Kutta method. Then, the vibration amplitude results of the coupled model and the simplified model are compared and analyzed under different numerical methods and the approximate analytic methods in the literature. Through the time history, the phase portrait, and the frequency spectrum analyses, the nonlinear vibration characteristics of the beam under subharmonic parameter resonance are revealed. From the spectrum analysis of longitudinal vibration and transverse vibration, it can be detected that the system has 3:1 internal resonance. The results show that it is feasible to ignore the higher order term of longitudinal displacement in order to simplify the model under certain conditions.
  • JIA Zeqing1, 2, WU Zhenjun1, TANG Hua1, CHENG Xu1, 2, WANG Teng1, 2
    Journal of Vibration and Shock. 2024, 43(21): 245-252.
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    The vibration signals generated during the percussion-rotary drilling process often contain rich rock mechanics information, and there is a lack of quantitative research on identifying rock mechanics properties through vibration signals. The vibration signals of three different directions during the drilling process were collected through engineering examples, pure drilling process signals were extracted through the displacement curve of the drill rod, noise was eliminated through wavelet transform, the time-domain, frequency-domain, and time-frequency domain characteristics of the drilling process vibration response was analyzed, amplitude domain parameters that depend on the shape of the probability density function were introduced, and representative characteristic values and frequencies were identified. The relationship between the time-frequency characteristics of drilling process vibration and rock mechanical properties was analyzed through rock mechanics test results. The results show that the mean, standard deviation, and effective values of the average level of vibration intensity in the 3D vibration signal increase with the increase of uniaxial compressive strength of the rock, while the peak factor, impact factor, and margin factor, which reflect the proportion of impact signals, decrease with the increase of uniaxial compressive strength of the rock; The mean, standard deviation, effective value, peak factor, impact factor, and margin factor of the axial vibration signal of the drill pipe exhibit a good linear relationship with the uniaxial compressive strength of the rock. It is feasible to predict the rock strength through these time-domain characteristic values; The axial characteristic frequency of the drill rod is equivalent to the impact frequency of the drill bit, and the characteristic frequency perpendicular to the direction of the drill rod shows significant differences. The time-frequency analysis results show that the characteristic frequency remains basically unchanged during the drilling process for uniform stratigraphic conditions; the characteristic frequency perpendicular to the direction of the drill rod exhibits a nonlinear relationship with the uniaxial compressive strength of the rock, the strength of rocks can be determined by combining drilling speed.
  • GAO Peng1, WEI Zhenhang1, WANG Shiyu1, 2, 3
    Journal of Vibration and Shock. 2024, 43(21): 253-262.
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    Rotationally periodic structures are widely used in mechanical engineering fields, where parametric vibration is a common form of vibration. A time-varying partial differential elastic dynamic model is proposed by using the time-spatial symmetry of the periodic structures. The mathematical model of ordinary differential multi-freedom parametric vibration is obtained by using Galerkin method and modal orthogonality, based on which the vibration behaviors of the rotationally periodic structures induced by the time-varying stiffness excitation are examined. In order to study the frequency splitting of the parametric vibration, the modulation feedback principle is employed to analyze the dynamic response for different feedback types, and the relationships between parameter combinations, including the time-varying stiffness number and wavenumber, and frequency splitting are revealed. In addition, the excitation frequencies for corresponding to the parametric instability for different feedback types are predicted. Finally, the parametric instability regions and the response frequencies for different feedback types are verified by the Floquét theory and the Runge-Kutta method, respectively.
  • SI Yujie1, XIAO Taoli1, YUAN Hao2, ZHE Haicheng1, ZHAO Yunfeng1
    Journal of Vibration and Shock. 2024, 43(21): 263-276.
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    In order to study the effects of fracture configuration properties and confining pressure on the failure characteristics of composite rock and the law of fracture expansion in composite rock, based on indoor uniaxial and triaxial compression tests, a triaxial compression particle model of composite rock with coplanar double fractures was established by using PFC2D numerical simulation software, and the failure characteristics and acoustic emission evolution law of composite rock under different fracture inclination, length and confining pressure were studied. The results show that the failure mode of rock samples is mainly controlled by fracture inclination, while the integrity of rock samples is mainly controlled by fracture length and confining pressure. With the increase of crack inclination Angle, the failure mode of rock sample presents the change law of tensile failure → shear failure → tensile-shear combined failure. With the increase of crack length and confining pressure, the fewer macroscopic cracks of rock sample, the better the integrity. The larger the crack inclination is, the more obvious the distribution of micro-cracks in rock samples is. The larger the crack length and confining pressure are, the more obvious the accumulation of micro-cracks is. The damage accumulation of micro-cracks decreases with the increase of crack inclination and length and increases with the increase of confining pressure. The penetration mode of rock bridge is mainly affected by fracture inclination Angle, structural plane and confining pressure. The larger the fracture inclination Angle and confining pressure, the easier the rock bridge is to penetrate. In the process of deformation loading, the overall AE count increases with the increase of crack Angle but decreases with the increase of crack length and confining pressure. The main change of AE count is the value of crack Angle, length and confining pressure.
  • FENG Chen1, 2, ZHOU Hang2, ZHANG Meng2, CHEN Xinwen2, HUANG Jinzuo2, LI Zhaohua2
    Journal of Vibration and Shock. 2024, 43(21): 277-283.
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    The droplet impact phenomenon widely exists in nature and engineering applications. However, the combined effects of Weber number( )and vibration force on droplet dynamics have not been fully explored. In order to fully explore the combined effects of   and vibration force on droplet dynamics, This paper uses a high-speed camera to study the dynamics of a single droplet impacting a solid surface under different vibration conditions, and explores the dynamic behavior of a single droplet impact under the influence of and vibration force. The research results show that under the condition of large excitation force, the droplets obtain additional inertial force to overcome the adhesion force, and the droplet diffusion is enhanced. However, as the excitation force decreases, the enhancement effect also decreases. The droplet spreading is enhanced by 0.07 at   of 33.25 and a vibrational force of 62N than at a vibrational force of 0.23N.   can increase the relative velocity of droplet impact and enhance the relative impact momentum of droplets, thus promoting droplet spreading. The vibration enhancement factor of the droplets at   of 33.25 increased on average by 0.95 compared to that at 13.87.
  • LI Kelu1, 2, XIAO Longfei1, 2, 3, LIU Mingyue1, 2, 3, KOU Yufeng1, WEI Handi1, 2, 3
    Journal of Vibration and Shock. 2024, 43(21): 284-290.
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    Dynamic load identification plays an important role in structural design and health monitoring. A novel method based on the inverse finite element method (iFEM) and displacement mode shape functions was proposed in this paper to identify dynamic loads for thin plates through measured strain responses, which is readily accessible in practice. The proposed methodology enables the simultaneous identification of both spatial distribution and time history. The process begins with the reconstruction of the displacement field from the discrete strain data using iFEM. Subsequently, displacement mode shape functions fitting is employed to derive a continuous displacement field. The identified loads are then determined by incorporating the well-fitted mode shape functions into the differential governing equations of thin plates. Finally, two numerical examples for identification of concentrated loads and globally distributed loads were presented to validate the feasibility and accuracy of the proposed method. The results affirmed that the method is effective and accurate for load identification of thin plates under various loading conditions.
  • GUO Jiaxuan1, ZHANG Yanjuan1, 2, LUO Tianzhou1, YANG Jianwei1, 2, LI Xin1
    Journal of Vibration and Shock. 2024, 43(21): 291-299.
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    In response to the issues of constrained damping force adjustment range, large physical footprint, and heightened energy consumption associated with magneticrheological dampers (MRDs) utilized in lower limb prostheses, a novel solution is proposed: a stepped variable gap MRD. This damper is capable of modulating output damping force in accordance with diverse human gait requirements by controlling coil current and adjusting the damping gap.The structure and working principle of this type of MRD are described. A calculation model of damping force has been established and magnetic circuit analysis has been carried out. With the goal of meeting the requirements of damping force for lower limb prostheses while minimizing damper power and piston volume, a multi-objective genetic algorithm was employed to optimize the key structural parameters of the stepped variable gap MRD and obtain the optimal structural size. Magnetic field and mechanical properties of the optimized damper were then simulated to verify the rationality of the optimization results. These results demonstrate a 23.3% reduction in total power and a 28.4% reduction in piston volume, thus providing good reference for the optimization design of MRDs for prosthetic limbs.
  • UAN Ningyuan1, 2, FAN Wenkun1, SONG Yixin1, LIU Bo1, TONG Zongpeng1, 2, HUA Hongxing3
    Journal of Vibration and Shock. 2024, 43(21): 300-309.
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    The pulsation force of the propeller related to the shaft frequency, blade frequency, and doubling frequencies excites multi-narrowband low-frequency line-spectrum vibrations of the shafting system. The pulsation force’s amplitude, frequency, and phase fluctuate with time considering variations in the shaft speed, oil film lubrication, and other conditions. This paper proposes an adaptive feedforward control method based on the parameter scale transformation for the time-varying multi-harmonic line-spectrum vibrations of the shafting system. Based on the multi-span and multi-support propulsion shaft model, simulation verification of the multi-harmonic adaptive feedforward control algorithm was conducted, achieving balanced attenuation of multiple narrowband interferences. Considering the channel coupling effect, the multi-channel active vibration control strategy for the multi-input multi-output system was established, and the control performance of the multi-channel cross-coupling tonal vibrations was analyzed. The results indicate that the adaptive feedforward control method proposed has a good control effect on time-varying multi-tonal vibrations of the propulsion shafting system.
  • NING Jing1, HONG Xin2, GENG Shaobo1, 2, HAN Xiaodan2
    Journal of Vibration and Shock. 2024, 43(21): 310-318.
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    Exponential function is used to accurately describe the blast loading of conventional weapons. In order to study the effect of the shape parameter of this function and damping ratio on the dynamic factor of beam member, the vibrational differential equations for flexible and rigid beam members were respectively established by the equivalent single degree of freedom (SDOF) systems. The theoretical solutions of vibration displacements with dynamic factor in the elastic-plastic stage were solved. A total of 48 typical calculation cases about dynamic factor was designed and finished. For the calculation cases, shape parameter ranged from 1⁓2, damping ratio ranged from 0.001⁓0.1, and ductility ratio ranged from 1⁓4. Furthermore, the verification example and error analysis were completed by the formula of the current blast-resistant design code and by the finite element method analysis. Verification displayed the feasibility of the theoretical solution. The results show that the trend of derived formula solution is the same as that of the blast-resistant design code. The results of code formula are lower than those in derived formula. Both the shape parameter and damping ratio have an effect of reducing the value of dynamic factor. The damping ratio behaves more significant effect. The effect of shape parameter on rigid beam member is greater than that on flexible beam member.
  • XIAO Xianpu1, LI Xinzhi1, XIE Kang2, HAO Zherui2, DENG Zhixing2, LI Taifeng3
    Journal of Vibration and Shock. 2024, 43(21): 319-328.
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    To achieve high precise and intelligent prediction of vibratory compaction quality, it is crucial to refine the compaction standards of graded gravel in high-speed-railway subgrades. Firstly, based on multi-parameter testing, vibration compaction experiments were conducted to explore the determination method of the maximum dry density ρdmax of graded gravel. Secondly, the relationship between characteristics of graded gravel and ρdmax was established based on the extensive experimental data, and the Grey Relational Analysis algorithm was employed to reveal the key controlling characteristics influencing ρdmax. Finally, the key controlling characteristics of graded gravel were used as input features to establish a machine learning (ML) model for predicting ρdmax. And the optimal ML model was determined based on a three-level evaluation method for the predictive performance of the ML model. The results indicated that the compaction time Tlp corresponding to the “inflection point” of the mechanical parameter dynamic stiffness Krb curve represents the optimal vibration time for graded gravel. It was revealed that the key controlling characteristics influencing ρdmax of graded gravel are the maximum particle size dmax, gradation parameters b and m, elongated flat particles Qe, and Los Angeles abrasion LAA. Considering the comprehensive results of the three-level ML model optimization, the calculated comprehensive evaluation index (CEI) for each model are as follows: Artificial Neural Network (ANN) model (1.8797), Support Vector Regression (SVR) model (2.9646), Random Forest (RF) model (4.5040), Ridge Regression (Ridge) model (6.2394), and Decision Tree (DT) model (7.1319). Hence, the predictive performance of the ANN model was optimal. The research results can provide new standards for high-speed railway subgrade compaction quality control and offer theoretical guidance for the intelligent construction of subgrades.