Experimental investigation of the radiation characteristics of the urban transit train at moderate and low speed

ZHANG Haibin;JIANG Weikang;WAN Quan

Journal of Vibration and Shock ›› 2010, Vol. 29 ›› Issue (11) : 83-86.

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Journal of Vibration and Shock ›› 2010, Vol. 29 ›› Issue (11) : 83-86.

Experimental investigation of the radiation characteristics of the urban transit train at moderate and low speed

  • ZHANG Haibin ; JIANG Weikang; WAN Quan
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The urban transit train noise is an important component of the environment pollution, which affects the people’s work and lives seriously around the rail. Understanding the train noise radiation characteristics will help to take effective and economical measurements to mitigate the noise disturbance. One experiment was done on some urban viaduct to measure the train noise with a linear microphone array. After dealing with the recorded signals, the follows are analyzed: the variation of the sound power level (SPL) of train noise by the height away from the wheel-rail plane, the contribution of each 1/3 octave spectrum to the noise radiation, and the variation of the SPL of the train noise by the train speed. This research will offer information for building the model to predict the urban railway noise.

Key words

urban transit train / railway noise model / noise radiation

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ZHANG Haibin;JIANG Weikang;WAN Quan . Experimental investigation of the radiation characteristics of the urban transit train at moderate and low speed[J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2010, 29(11): 83-86
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