Probability Distribution Features of Fluctuating Impact Force of Debris Flow

CHEN Hong-kai;;TANG Hong-mei;;XIAN Xue-fu;ZHANG Yu-ping

Journal of Vibration and Shock ›› 2010, Vol. 29 ›› Issue (8) : 124-127.

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Journal of Vibration and Shock ›› 2010, Vol. 29 ›› Issue (8) : 124-127.

Probability Distribution Features of Fluctuating Impact Force of Debris Flow

  • CHEN Hong-kai1,2 ;TANG Hong-mei1,2 ;XIAN Xue-fu1; ZHANG Yu-ping1
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On the basis of experimental dataof fifteen types of artificial debris flows, composed of three sets of particle solids with 0.3~0.8cm, 0.8~15cm and 1.5~3.0cm in diameter and fluid with 0.02, 0.08, 0.16, 0.20 and 0.25, probability distribution features of fluctuating impact load of debris flow are unveiled in detail, after the data processing denoising. Three aspects were displayed for the features: the first, under the identical particle dianeter in debris flow, impact forces raise with the increase of solid to liquid ratio, especially, the impact forces become greater with bigger diameter of particles. The second, cumulative curves of debris flow impact forces display in anti-S shape, and the anti-S shape becomes obvious with less diameter of particles. The third, probability density of impact forces for debris flow in less ratio of solid to liquid is similar to normal distribution, however, the probability density is similar to gaussian distribution for debris flow with greater ratio of solid to liquid (e.g. over 0.08), and multi-peak and extremum emerge easily on proability density imopact force curve in debris flow with bigger diameter of particle. The results in the paper are positive in the studies on dynamical features of debris flow.

Key words

fluctuating impact force of debris flow / probability distribution features / simulation in labotatory / ratio of solid to liquid / diameter of particle

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CHEN Hong-kai;;TANG Hong-mei;;XIAN Xue-fu;ZHANG Yu-ping. Probability Distribution Features of Fluctuating Impact Force of Debris Flow [J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2010, 29(8): 124-127
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