Numerical simulation and parametric analysis of ice-shedding on conductors

Shen Guo-hui;Yuan Guang-hui;Xing Yue-long;Lou Wen-juan;Sun Bing-nan

Journal of Vibration and Shock ›› 2012, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (5) : 55-59.

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Journal of Vibration and Shock ›› 2012, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (5) : 55-59.

Numerical simulation and parametric analysis of ice-shedding on conductors

  • Shen Guo-hui1, Yuan Guang-hui2, Xing Yue-long3, Lou Wen-juan1, Sun Bing-nan1
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The longitudinal unbalanced forces induced by ice-shedding on conductors will significantly threaten the safety of transmission lines. Based on the finite element models of tower-line system, the methodology using the life and death of ice elements is employed to simulate the ice accretion and ice-shedding on conductors. This methodology is validated by comparing the simulation results with those obtained from the model-scale tests done by previous researchers. The sensitivity study on model parameters is performed to determine the appropriate analytical model. With this model, the parametric study of ice shedding on conductors is carried out. Results from this study show that the base shears and base moments of transmission towers are essentially zero before ice-shedding and increase significantly after ice-shedding. Furthermore, the base shear and base moment of a transmission tower become larger when the tower is closer to the ice-shedding span. The responses induced by ice-shedding will decrease when the initial stress on conductors is larger and increase when the length of span, the amount of accreting ice and the ratio of ice-shedding are larger.

Key words

transmission line / finite element method / ice-shedding / numerical simulation / parametric analysis

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Shen Guo-hui;Yuan Guang-hui;Xing Yue-long;Lou Wen-juan;Sun Bing-nan. Numerical simulation and parametric analysis of ice-shedding on conductors[J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2012, 31(5): 55-59
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