Three dimensional wind-induced responses of super-tall buildings with irregular geometric shapes
ZHANG Li-gang;LOU Wen-juan
Journal of Vibration and Shock ›› 2013, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (24) : 38-43.
Three dimensional wind-induced responses of super-tall buildings with irregular geometric shapes
Utilizing a super-tall building structure with “the boots-like” shape, torsional responses of such super-high buildings with irregular geometric shapes in three-dimension spatiotemporally varying wind loads were researched, and the differences of the various internal force responses with the higher modes participate at different locations of the structure were investigated. The results show that such super-high buildings have significant torsional components and each floor co-linear acceleration response of the structure significantly is greater than the center of mass at the corresponding value. Also, there is a significant contribution of higher modes on the base shear and torque, and in generally, the participation of higher modes will make the internal force responses at the top and bottom of the structure increase while near the central standard layers decrease.
irregular geometric shape / super-tall building / three-dimension wind-induced vibration / torsional response / higher modes {{custom_keyword}} /
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