The Effect of Flow Yaw Angle on the Thermal Flutter Characteristics ofComposite Panels with Different Shapes

GAO Yang;YANG Zhi-chun;GU Ying-song

Journal of Vibration and Shock ›› 2014, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (11) : 65-69.

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Journal of Vibration and Shock ›› 2014, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (11) : 65-69.

The Effect of Flow Yaw Angle on the Thermal Flutter Characteristics ofComposite Panels with Different Shapes

  • GAO Yang, YANG Zhi-chun, GU Ying-song
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This paper investigates the effects of flow yaw angle on the thermal flutter
characteristics of composite panels with different shapes. The first-order shear deformation theory,the von Karman large deflection theory, and the quasi-steady first-order piston theory appendedwith flow yaw angle are adopted in the finite element formulation. The principle of virtual work is
applied to develop the equations of motion of the panel flutter system. Three composite panelswith different shapes but the same area are considered and the critical flutter dynamic pressureunder different yaw flow angle with thermal load is calculated. The results show that the criticalflutter dynamic pressure decreases linearly with the increasing of temperature. The triangularpanel is more stable aeroelastically than the trapezoid panel while the trapezoid panel is morestable than the rectangular panel. The flutter characteristics of the three panels vary complicatedlyas the flow yaw angle increases. No matter how flow yaw angle changes, triangular compositepanel is most stable while rectangular one is most unstable.

Key words

Flow yaw angle / composite panel / Panel Flutter / Thermal flutter

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GAO Yang;YANG Zhi-chun;GU Ying-song. The Effect of Flow Yaw Angle on the Thermal Flutter Characteristics ofComposite Panels with Different Shapes[J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2014, 33(11): 65-69
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