Dynamic response of interface cracks originating at an hole in half-space to SH-wave

ZHAO Chun-xiang;QI Hui;YANG Zai-lin;WANG Lei-lei

Journal of Vibration and Shock ›› 2014, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (24) : 169-172.

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Journal of Vibration and Shock ›› 2014, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (24) : 169-172.

Dynamic response of interface cracks originating at an hole in half-space to SH-wave

  • ZHAO Chun-xiang1,QI Hui2,YANG Zai-lin2,WANG Lei-lei2
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The dynamic stress of interface cracks originating at an hole in half-space to SH-wave was studied using the methods of ‘image’ and ‘partitioning -conjunction’. Firstly, the problem was transformed from half space to whole space and the scattering waves which satisfy the boundary condition were constructed by the method of ‘image’. Secondly, with the help of ‘partitioning-conjunction’ method and ‘crack-division’ technique, the solving domain was divided into two parts along the interface, the two sub-domains satisfying the continuous ‘conjunction’ conditions of displacement and stress on interface were conjoined, and a group of integral equations were built to solve this problem. Finally, the dynamic stress intensity factor of the interface cracks tip was analyzed by numerical method. Numerical results demonstrate that the purpose of reducing crack tip’s dynamic stress can be achieved by properly avoiding the combination of the most adversely effective factors, such as incident wave number, incident angle, and the crack length, etc.

Key words

half space / interface crack / SH-wave / ‘image’ method / dynamic stress intensity factor (DSIF)

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ZHAO Chun-xiang;QI Hui;YANG Zai-lin;WANG Lei-lei. Dynamic response of interface cracks originating at an hole in half-space to SH-wave [J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2014, 33(24): 169-172
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