Study on Influence of Wheel/Rail force for Heavy Freight CarBased on Wheel State Changed

YANG Liang-liang;LUO Shi-hui;FU Mao-hai;HUANG Xiao-cui

Journal of Vibration and Shock ›› 2014, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (3) : 110-116.

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Journal of Vibration and Shock ›› 2014, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (3) : 110-116.

Study on Influence of Wheel/Rail force for Heavy Freight CarBased on Wheel State Changed

  • YANG Liang-liang1,LUO Shi-hui1,FU Mao-hai2,HUANG Xiao-cui2
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In actual production and service condition of heavy freight car, the wheel/rail interaction is influenced not only by incentive effect from all kinds of track irregularity, but also by incentive effect from changes of wheel state. From the perspective of wheel running state, change and trend of wheel/rail interaction is studied , which is based on parameters of wheel status with wheel tread shape, wheel polygonization, wheel eccentric mass and wheelset structural deformation. The result indicates that wheel tread shape changes area of contact spot and distribution of contact stress; in different speed, depth, phase and order of wheel polygonization have different influence on wheel/rail vertical force; Wheel eccentric mass produces periodic vertical impact between wheel and rail, but the amplitude of vibration is not large; the change of wheel/rail dynamic contact load with the deflection change of wheelset is remarkable, especially structural bending vibration of wheelset intensifies the wheel/rail vertical action force.

Key words

heavy wagon / wheel/rail force / tread shape / wheel polygonization / eccentric wheel / elastic wheelset

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YANG Liang-liang;LUO Shi-hui;FU Mao-hai;HUANG Xiao-cui. Study on Influence of Wheel/Rail force for Heavy Freight CarBased on Wheel State Changed[J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2014, 33(3): 110-116
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