Numerical simulation of abrasive particles acceleration process in pre-mixed abrasive water jet

LIN Xiao-dong1,2,LU Yi-yu1,2,TANG Ji-ren1,2,ZHANG Wen-feng1,2,CHENG Yu-gang1,2

Journal of Vibration and Shock ›› 2015, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (16) : 19-24.

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Journal of Vibration and Shock ›› 2015, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (16) : 19-24.

Numerical simulation of abrasive particles acceleration process in pre-mixed abrasive water jet

  • LIN Xiao-dong1,2,LU Yi-yu1,2,TANG Ji-ren1,2,ZHANG Wen-feng1,2,CHENG Yu-gang1,2
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For the complexity of the difficulties in experimental research on abrasive particles acceleration process in pre-mixed abrasive water jet(AWJ)and the mesh distortion problem in dealing with large deformation problems with finite element method (FEM), the abrasive particles acceleration characteristics at different stages of nozzle and the process of target body breaking with AWJ are simulated based on the coupling algorithm of smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) and FEM, and the water is simulated by SPH, and the abrasive particles, the nozzle, the target body and so on are simulated by FEM. Combined with the simulated results, abrasive particle swarm trajectories in the nozzle and the impact of changes in the abrasive nozzle on abrasive particles acceleration is analyzed. The results show that, the erosion pit section of the target body is "V" shaped and continue to deepen under the AWJ action. The abrasive particle has substantially reached the same speed as the water before entering the nozzle converging section. After the abrasive particle enters the nozzle convergent section, the abrasive particle is accelerated. However, it is the velocity difference between the water and the abrasive particle gradually widens. After entering the straight segment, the water and the abrasive particle are accelerated all the time, and the water velocity stabilizes at the end of the line segment. Within a short distance from the nozzle, the water velocity stabilizes, and the abrasive particle in the core segment of water flow continues to accelerate, but the abrasive particle velocity eventually stabilizes. Abrasive particles collide violently in the nozzle convergent section, and their movement is relatively flat after entering the nozzle line straight segment. Under constant flow, the abrasive particle velocity increases with the extension of the nozzle convergence section, but the velocity increase is very small. The abrasive particle velocity increases with the extension of the line straight segment, but the velocity increases significantly. On the whole, the results are basically consistent with the relevant results, and it provides a research method for AWJ.

Key words

abrasive water jet / abrasive / acceleration mechanism / SPH-FEM coupling algorithm / numerical simulation

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LIN Xiao-dong1,2,LU Yi-yu1,2,TANG Ji-ren1,2,ZHANG Wen-feng1,2,CHENG Yu-gang1,2. Numerical simulation of abrasive particles acceleration process in pre-mixed abrasive water jet[J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2015, 34(16): 19-24


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