WANG Jianguo1, GAO Quanchen1, LU Hua2, LIANG Shufeng1, HUANG Bo1, YANG Zhuo1

Journal of Vibration and Shock ›› 2015, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (19) : 192-197.

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Journal of Vibration and Shock ›› 2015, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (19) : 192-197.


  • WANG Jianguo1, GAO Quanchen1, LU Hua2, LIANG Shufeng1, HUANG Bo1, YANG Zhuo1
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Using SHPB experiment device,an experimental method used in layered medium dynamic performance research and data analysis was established. By adjusting the bullet speed and testing repeatedly, the changes of stress and strain over time under the impact loading of hard - soft layered medium which are composed of C30 concrete and foam concrete were measured. The experiment results showed out that the plastic property of hard-soft layered medium was much stronger than the hard material. The elastic modulus of hard-soft layered medium decreases gradually when the stress and strain increases, the energy absorption effect of soft materials can be good to prevent the damage to the hard material, it shows that hard - soft layered medium has good resistance to high speed impact and clipping.

Key words

impact loading / SHPB / layered medium / stress wave / dynamics response

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WANG Jianguo1, GAO Quanchen1, LU Hua2, LIANG Shufeng1, HUANG Bo1, YANG Zhuo1 . IMPACT RESPONSE OF LAYERED MEDIUM UNDER SHPB EXPERIMENT[J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2015, 34(19): 192-197


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