The influence of frame parameters of poro-viscoelastic materials, including bulk modulus, loss factor and frame density, on sound-absorbing performance was investigated based on the Biot theory. A quasi-static method was used to measure Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ratio of a melamine foam. Their influence on sound-absorbing performance was also investigated in terms of these parameters. In addition, the effective density and bulk modulus of the foam were calculated by a model based on static resistivity developed by Dunn and Davern. When sound absorption of the foam with rigid backing was measured, our experiments were consistent with calculated absorption coefficients, which were further decomposed into parts due to damping, viscous and heat transfer losses. The results show that the damping loss of the foam is small, while the viscous and total losses are significantly reduced around the quarter wavelength resonance frequency.
Key words
Biot theory /
poro-viscoelastic materials /
sound-absorbing performance /
frame parameters
{{custom_keyword}} /
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