IC Engine Fault Diagnosis Method Based EMD-WVD and LNMF

MU Wei-jie,SHI Lin-suo,CAI Yan-ping,LIU Hao,JIN Guang-zhi

Journal of Vibration and Shock ›› 2016, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (23) : 191-196.

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Journal of Vibration and Shock ›› 2016, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (23) : 191-196.

IC Engine Fault Diagnosis Method Based EMD-WVD and LNMF

  • MU Wei-jie,SHI Lin-suo,CAI Yan-ping,LIU Hao,JIN Guang-zhi
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The IC engine vibration signals are complex non-stationary signals, therefore, that how to accurately extract the feature information of the IC engine vibration signal for pattern recognition is very important for fault di-agnosis of an IC engine. The frequency analysis method of empirical mode decomposition and Wigner-Ville is used for IC engine vibration signal in this paper. The method of EMD-WVD is not only to avoid interference cross-terms, but also retains all the excellent characteristics of Wigner-Ville distribution. And a new method of local non-negative matrix factorization is directly used for feature extraction, because of the traditional NMF non-orthogonal basis matrix result in data redundancy is large, and it is not conducive to subsequent recognition rate of issue. The application to the practical internal combustion fault diagnosis has revealed that the LNMF algorithm classification accuracy is bet-ter than traditional NMF algorithm.

Key words

  / IC engine;fault diagnosis;time-frequency distribution;feature extraction;Local nonnegative matrix factorization(LNMF)

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MU Wei-jie,SHI Lin-suo,CAI Yan-ping,LIU Hao,JIN Guang-zhi. IC Engine Fault Diagnosis Method Based EMD-WVD and LNMF[J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2016, 35(23): 191-196


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