Comparative Research on Design Earthquake Actions of Long-span Girder Bridge in High-Speed Rail with Those Specified in the Major Codes in China and Foreign Countries

Yongjun Ni, Xingji Lu, Hui Jiang, Qingshan Yang, Boming Zhao and Xi Zhu

Journal of Vibration and Shock ›› 2016, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (4) : 72-80.

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Journal of Vibration and Shock ›› 2016, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (4) : 72-80.

Comparative Research on Design Earthquake Actions of Long-span Girder Bridge in High-Speed Rail with Those Specified in the Major Codes in China and Foreign Countries

  • Yongjun Ni, Xingji Lu, Hui Jiang, Qingshan Yang, Boming Zhao and Xi Zhu
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Based on the selected codes for seismic design in China and foreign countries, the difference on the classification of the site soil was compared. Considering the factors such as the return period of the earthquake and the importance coefficients of the structures, the acceleration platform and the curves of the response spectrum on different earthquake levels, namely the frequently occurred earthquake(FOE), designed fortification earthquake(DE) and the rarely occurred earthquake(ROE) for the main seismic design codes in China compared with the Code for Seismic Design of Railway Engineering (GB50111-2006, 2009 Version). It was shown that the design earthquake action at the level of FOE for the long-span bridges in high-speed rail were conservatively higher than those of other seismic design codes. The seismic actions at the level of the DE were similar to those of the seismic design codes in China, while for the ROE, the seismic actions were relatively lower. Comparison analysis on the seismic actions for long-span bridges in high-speed rail between the code (GB50111-2006, 2009 Version) and the Eurocode 8 showed that the FOE actions in China(50 years return period) were lower than those from the Eurocode 8(90 years return period), and so far as the DE action(both 475 years of return period). Results from the comparison analysis on the seismic actions coded in AASHTO and Caltrans with the code (GB50111-2006, 2009 Version) showed that the FOE actions(50 years of return period) in China were much higher than those from AASHTO and Caltrans, due to the adoption of 1.5 as the importance coefficient of structures; the maximum acceleration values of the response spectra for the DE level in China(475 years of return period) were slightly lower than those Caltrans(975 years return period), but slightly higher than those in AASHTO(1000 years return period); The curves of the response spectrum in China were similar to the curves in Caltrans, but a little higher than those in AASHTO; For the ROE(2475 years return period), the values of seismic actions in AASHTO were between the values of those from the design acceleration 0.1g and 0.2g. In summary, the design earthquake actions for the long-span bridges in high-speed rail in China were relatively conservative.

Key words

Bridge / Seismic Design Code / Earthquake Action / Acceleration Response Spectrum / Return Period of Earthquake

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Yongjun Ni, Xingji Lu, Hui Jiang, Qingshan Yang, Boming Zhao and Xi Zhu. Comparative Research on Design Earthquake Actions of Long-span Girder Bridge in High-Speed Rail with Those Specified in the Major Codes in China and Foreign Countries[J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2016, 35(4): 72-80


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