Parallel computation and optimization for flight dynamics of slender elastic vehicles

HU Binxing1 LI Xinguo1 CHANG Wuquan2

Journal of Vibration and Shock ›› 2019, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (11) : 42-47.

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Journal of Vibration and Shock ›› 2019, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (11) : 42-47.

Parallel computation and optimization for flight dynamics of slender elastic vehicles

  • HU Binxing1   LI Xinguo1   CHANG Wuquan2
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Modern aircrafts, such as, missiles and rockets have a large slenderness ratio and their first several order natural frequencies are lower, so influences of elastic deformation and vibration on their trajectory simulation navigation, guidance and thrust module can’t be ignored. Here, for problems of elastic module’s slower calculation speed and being unable to realize real-time simulation in full trajectory simulation of slender elastic vehicles, through analyzing time proportion occupied of each calculation step under different computing scales, the dynamic parallel construction of octree was used to represent aerodynamic parameters table under the environment of single and multi GPU. The performance optimization of aerodynamic data index was achieved through adaptive hardware resources and rational use of shared memory. At the same time, the asynchronous computing architecture of CPU-side task queue was designed to realize the parallel task calculation with different granularities of CPU-GPU. The numerical results showed that the speedup of about 20 times under single GPU condition can be obtained, and the parallel computing of dual-GPU can obtain the speedup of at least 30 times; the real-time simulation of an elastic aircraft with 1 200 station points and 40 truncated orders is realized within 5 ms.

Key words

 Flexible aircraft / Parallel computing / Asynchronous heterogeneous architecture / CUDA / Octree

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HU Binxing1 LI Xinguo1 CHANG Wuquan2. Parallel computation and optimization for flight dynamics of slender elastic vehicles[J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2019, 38(11): 42-47


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