Nonlinear explicit layered shell element and its GPU parallel computing implementation

CAO Shengtao1,2,LI Zhishan2,YANG Zhiyong1

Journal of Vibration and Shock ›› 2019, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (22) : 60-69.

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Journal of Vibration and Shock ›› 2019, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (22) : 60-69.

Nonlinear explicit layered shell element and its GPU parallel computing implementation

  • CAO Shengtao1,2,LI Zhishan2,YANG Zhiyong1
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Based on an elastoplastic damage model of concrete under plane stress, the damage of concrete was classified into three types, tension, compression and shear, according to the concrete stress state and the demands of engineering practice, and a method for the computation of nonlinear physical hourglass force and drilling force was given. Then, a quadrilateral nonlinear explicit layered shell element with 4 nodes-24 degrees of freedom including in-plane drilling was proposed. The proposed shell element was implemented in a nonlinear analysis software which was independently-developed and based on CPU+GPU parallel computing. By comparing the results of benchmark example by the ABAQUS and the software, the correctness of the shell element was verified. The rationality of the shell element was also proved by the monotonic loading experimental results on a shear wall. In addition, the seismic nonlinear time history analysis of a high-rise frame-tube structure in Shanghai was carried out by using the software and ABAQUS respectively. The results show that: the results by the software and ABAQUS are basically the same, and the computational efficiency of the software is 5.69 times that of the  ABAQUS, moreover, the tension damage, compression damage and shear damage shown by the software are more useful to reveal the damage evolution and failure of the tube. 

Key words

elastoplastic damage model / damage mode of concrete / nonlinear explicit layered shell element / shear wall damage mode / CPU+GPU parallel computing

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CAO Shengtao1,2,LI Zhishan2,YANG Zhiyong1. Nonlinear explicit layered shell element and its GPU parallel computing implementation[J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2019, 38(22): 60-69


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