Influence of sideslip angle on wetted area in turning motion of a supercavitating vehicle

WANG Wei,WANG Cong,SONG Wuchao,LI Conghui

Journal of Vibration and Shock ›› 2020, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (12) : 135-141.

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Journal of Vibration and Shock ›› 2020, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (12) : 135-141.

Influence of sideslip angle on wetted area in turning motion of a supercavitating vehicle

  • WANG Wei,WANG Cong,SONG Wuchao,LI Conghui
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To improve the consistency of the motion of the cavity and the vehicle during the turning motion of the ventilated supercavitating vehicle, the unsteady numerical simulation of the cavity morphology characteristics of the vehicle in the turning motion was carried out based on the finite volume method and the VOF multiphase flow model by using the dynamic grid technique. Based on the analysis of the wetted area of the vehicle, the reasons for the formation of the wetted area are revealed. The specific method of changing the side slip angle reasonably to slow down the occurrence of the wetted area is put forward by utilizing the orientation effect of the cavitator on the axis of the cavity. By analyzing the influence of sideslip angle and sideslip angular velocity on the wetted area of the vehicle, the application scope of sideslip angle and sideslip angular velocity to avoid the wetted area in the course of turning motion of supercavitating vehicle at given yaw angle is proposed, which provides a method reference for further research on the maneuvering motion of supercavitating vehicle.

Key words

 supercavitating vehicle / turning motion / wetted area / sideslip angle

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WANG Wei,WANG Cong,SONG Wuchao,LI Conghui. Influence of sideslip angle on wetted area in turning motion of a supercavitating vehicle[J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2020, 39(12): 135-141


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