An experimental study on micro crack detection of concrete based on ultrasonic nonlinear modulation

XU Ying,WANG Qingyuan,ZU Hongguang,ZHANG Heyong

Journal of Vibration and Shock ›› 2020, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (12) : 32-39.

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Journal of Vibration and Shock ›› 2020, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (12) : 32-39.

An experimental study on micro crack detection of concrete based on ultrasonic nonlinear modulation

  • XU Ying,WANG Qingyuan,ZU Hongguang,ZHANG Heyong
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The generation and expansion of concrete microcracks have great influence on the durability of special concrete structures such as nuclear power plants and reservoirs. Based on the theory of non-linear acoustic field modulation, the edge-band peak counting method and the concept of damage index are proposed to evaluate the development of concrete microcracks. Microcracks were prepared by alkali-aggregate reaction. The detection results of cumulative and persistent microcracks show that the damage index increases with the development of microcracks, which is in agreement with the theoretical study, and proves the feasibility of the method proposed in this paper. It is found that the peak value of damage index increases with the increase of water cement ratio, which indicates that the alkali-aggregate reaction degree of concrete increases with the increase of water cement ratio in an appropriate range.

Key words

  / ultrasonic nonlinear modulation, concrete, microcracks, alkali-aggregate reaction

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XU Ying,WANG Qingyuan,ZU Hongguang,ZHANG Heyong. An experimental study on micro crack detection of concrete based on ultrasonic nonlinear modulation[J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2020, 39(12): 32-39


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