Crosstalk elimination method in OTPA using sensors’ combination

WU Xianjun

Journal of Vibration and Shock ›› 2020, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (17) : 10-15.

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Journal of Vibration and Shock ›› 2020, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (17) : 10-15.

Crosstalk elimination method in OTPA using sensors’ combination

  • WU Xianjun
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Transfer path analysis (TPA) is an effective method to analyze contributions of noise sources. A new TPA called the operational transfer path analysis (OTPA) does not need to measure force, but only needs to measure response for completing measurement and analysis of noise source contribution on-line under operational condition of a power unit. However, crosstalk has a great impact on response measurement accuracy. Here, a crosstalk elimination method in OTPA using sensors’ combination was proposed. Sensors were arranged near vibration sources, and signals measured with sensors were combined in frequency domain to express the sensor signal near a certain source. Through step operation, vibration and noise data near each source were measured and used to establish equations. Combination coefficients were obtained by solving equations when the combined signal of the sensor near a certain source was zero and it was caused by other sources. Linear combination of sensor signals was taken as the reference source’s signal to join OTPA. Then crosstalk was eliminated or reduced to correctly obtain contributions of various sources. Simulation of two sound sources and a plate test of two vibration sources showed that the crosstalk elimination method using sensors’ combination can improve identification accuracy of excitation sources. Finally, effects of sensor number were discussed.

Key words

transfer path analysis(TPA) / crosstalk / contribution / operational transfer path analysis (OTPA)

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WU Xianjun. Crosstalk elimination method in OTPA using sensors’ combination[J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2020, 39(17): 10-15


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