Here, finite element method (FEM) and boundary element one (BEM) were used to establish a cylindrical shell structural model, a hydroacoustic one and an ice medium elastomer one, respectively, and furthermore a numerical model for cylindrical shell-water-ice acoustic-structure coupled system was established. Its vibration and underwater acoustic radiation calculations were performed. Numerical results of the cylindrical shell’s underwater acoustic radiation without ice were compared with those of model tests to verify the effectiveness of this numerical model. Then, effect laws of submergence state and ice layer parameters on cylindrical shell vibro-acoustic characteristics were analyzed. Results showed that under full immersion state of cylindrical shell, ice layer has little effects on structure vibration and great effects on sound radiation; when cylindrical shell is in contact with ice layer, parameters of ice layer and submergence or floating state have great effects on cylindrical shell’s vibration and acoustic radiation characteristics; within lower frequency range, change of acoustic directivity is not obvious, with increase in frequency, acoustic directivity becomes more complex within higher frequency range; the study results provide a way for studying submarine vibro-acoustic characteristics under polar ice environment.
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