Effects of vibration wave reflections between wheels and tracks with high-elastic fasteners on short pitch rail corrugation

WANG Yurong1,2,WU Tianxing1

Journal of Vibration and Shock ›› 2020, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (6) : 29-36.

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Journal of Vibration and Shock ›› 2020, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (6) : 29-36.

Effects of vibration wave reflections between wheels and tracks with high-elastic fasteners on short pitch rail corrugation

  • WANG Yurong1,2,WU Tianxing1
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Short pitch rail corrugation(25 mm—30 mm) has been observed at both curved and tangent tracks of metro, where high-elastic rail fasteners were used.To address it, the time-domain model for a slab track system coupled with four wheels was developed to determine the vertical dynamic wheel-rail interaction forces due to wave reflections, which were considered to have the main effects on the formation of corrugation.The non-linear rolling contact between the wheels and rail was modeled as a two-dimensional model, in which the wear at the longitudinal slip zone was assumed to be proportional to the frictional work done by tangential stresses.Combinedly using the transient wheel/rail dynamics, contact mechanics and long-term wear, mechanism, the evolution processes of rail corrugation under single and multiple wheel/rail interaction were simulated for the slab track systems with high-elastic rail fasteners as well as with normal rail fasteners respectively.The results show that wave reflections between moving wheels and rail lead to the dramatical fluctuation of contact forces and thusly the abnormal growth of uneven rail corrugation.Finally, the effects of tuned rail damper(TRD) on this specific rail corrugation were investigated.The simulation results show that wave reflections among wheels may be attenuated effectively by TRD and thereby short pitch rail corrugation may be mitigated as well.

Key words

rail corrugation / vibration wave reflection / rolling contact / wear / tuned rail damper(TRD)

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WANG Yurong1,2,WU Tianxing1. Effects of vibration wave reflections between wheels and tracks with high-elastic fasteners on short pitch rail corrugation[J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2020, 39(6): 29-36


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