Investigation on the nonlinear characteristics of high-speed rolling element bearing-rotor systems

WANG Zi,ZHU Caichao

Journal of Vibration and Shock ›› 2021, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (20) : 168-176.

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Journal of Vibration and Shock ›› 2021, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (20) : 168-176.

Investigation on the nonlinear characteristics of high-speed rolling element bearing-rotor systems

  • WANG Zi,ZHU Caichao
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A rolling element bearing is an extremely important basic component in rotating machinery.For high-speed work condition, the main source for the vibration and noise problem of the rolling element bearing-rotor system lies in the strong nonlinear characteristics of bearing forces and rotor unbalance force.Two different bearing stiffness calculation techniques were proposed and the carrying capacity and disturbance resisting ability of bearing were analyzed in this work.An improved analysis model for the nonlinear vibration behaviors of the bearing-rotor coupled system, which is excited by the time-dependent and nonlinear characteristics of bearing supporting force and the unbalance force from rotor dynamic displacement, was proposed.Two different types of bearings were brought in for case studies.The comprehensive 3-dimensional load-displacement distributions over one whole ball pass cycle were captured by a Finite Element/Contact Mechanics mixed method.The nonlinear characteristics of mean stiffness and alternating stiffness of rolling element bearings were discussed.The load-dependence and time-variation characteristics of rolling element bearing dynamic support forces were obtained through the improved dynamic model and the strong nonlinear vibration responses caused by the bearing dynamic excitations were observed.

Key words

rolling element bearing nonlinear characteristics / rolling element bearing stiffness / high speed rotor system / rotor unbalance force / non-linear dynamics

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WANG Zi,ZHU Caichao. Investigation on the nonlinear characteristics of high-speed rolling element bearing-rotor systems[J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2021, 40(20): 168-176


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