Tests for near-field explosion resistance of steel box girder scale structure with anti-explosion layer

LI Wenwu1, GENG Shaobo2, HE Yaobei1,3

Journal of Vibration and Shock ›› 2022, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (1) : 46-51.

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Journal of Vibration and Shock ›› 2022, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (1) : 46-51.

Tests for near-field explosion resistance of steel box girder scale structure with anti-explosion layer

  • LI Wenwu1, GENG Shaobo2, HE Yaobei1,3
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In order to study the anti-blast effect of the steel box girder with blast-proof layer under near field blast, 53g explosive equivalent and 70mm blasting distance are used as explosion test parameters for the same scale model experiments. Concrete-single layer/double layers steel plate, 5 layers/10 layers Kevlar plate and their combination as blast-proof layer of scale steel box girder were tested in near field blast. Taking the plastic deformation energy of top plate as evaluation index, eight typical test results show that the top plate will undergo tearing damage along the U-stiffened plate for steel box girder without any protective blast-proof layer. The top plate of steel box girder with diaphragm spacing of 250mm is more severe than the diaphragm spacing of 150mm, and the deformation energy is about 60% higher. Double layer steel wire mesh concrete will reduce the deformation energy of top plate by 2.2% compared to single-layer steel wire mesh concrete. The combination of double layer steel wire mesh concrete and 5 layers of Kevlar as blast-proof layer, the plastic deformation energy of the top plate can be reduced to 34.5% of the value of the top plate without any protective layer. When the combination of double layer steel wire mesh concrete and 10 layers of Kevlar as blast-proof layer is used as blast-proof layer, the value is 32.7%.

Key words

 steel box girder / near field blast / blast-proof layer / Kelvar

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LI Wenwu1, GENG Shaobo2, HE Yaobei1,3. Tests for near-field explosion resistance of steel box girder scale structure with anti-explosion layer[J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2022, 41(1): 46-51


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