Stiffness modeling and analysis of constrained membrane air spring

ZHAO Yamin1,2, CUI Junning1,2, ZOU Limin1,2, BIAN Xingyuan1,2, CHENG Zhongyi1,2

Journal of Vibration and Shock ›› 2022, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (1) : 60-67.

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Journal of Vibration and Shock ›› 2022, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (1) : 60-67.

Stiffness modeling and analysis of constrained membrane air spring

  • ZHAO Yamin1,2, CUI Junning1,2, ZOU Limin1,2, BIAN Xingyuan1,2, CHENG Zhongyi1,2
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An improved stiffness model of the constrained diaphragm air spring is established to solve the problem that the actual stiffness of the air spring differs greatly from the theoretical value. The improved model takes into account the variation of the arc length and the chamber volume caused by the deformation of the elastic membrane. The deviation between the theoretical and experimental stiffness is 9.67%, which is 7.63% more accurate than that of the traditional model. The analysis results based on the improved stiffness model show that the air spring with large volume, small effective area, large elastic membrane arc radius, high arc length gradient, and high pressure is beneficial to achieve low stiffness isolation. The research in this paper provides an effective theoretical basis for the structural optimization and precision machining of large bearing, low frequency or ultra-low frequency constrained diaphragm air spring.

Key words

 air spring / improved stiffness model / arc length gradient / chamber volume change

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ZHAO Yamin1,2, CUI Junning1,2, ZOU Limin1,2, BIAN Xingyuan1,2, CHENG Zhongyi1,2. Stiffness modeling and analysis of constrained membrane air spring[J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2022, 41(1): 60-67


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